Chapter 38

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The next day, I found Feyre and Rhys on a balcony, holding hands and talking, her head resting on his shoulder. I approached apprehensively and cleared my throat.

"Um, I have a question. An idea, really. About your plans for Hybern when we get there."

Rhys turned to look at me, an eyebrow raised. Feyre glanced between the two of us. I clenched my jaw and said when neither of them spoke, "After Feyre leaves, I will go to Spring Court. Under the guise of someone else. To help her and guard her."

Rhys clenched his jaw. "Even if we are right and your spies are correct when they say Tamlin is allying with Hybern, there's only a very small chance he'll actually be there. And I don't like the idea of both of you gone in Spring. What if someone discovers you? Your identity? What if Hybern discovers when he sees us together?"

"No one has thus far figured it out, and everyone who has discovered has reacted with shock. I look more like Ravenna, anyways. And, since her father was a ginger and the hair runs in the family, it would be easy to mistake me for a mix of Beron and her." I sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of my nose, then said in a whisper, "I don't like the idea of my High Lady going there by herself. Not that I don't trust you, Feyre, I heard of what you did at the Rainbow with the Attor. I have no doubt you can do it. I just can't lose my family. I just found it, and I'm not about to lose it."

"Even if you're angry with half of it?" Rhys asks softly.

"If you mean Ravenna, yes. I'm only irritated I wasn't told the truth and I was lied to. It was a bit confusing." I said. "I'm not mad at you, Rhys. What happened happened and it's in the past now. It's us now, and I'm happy for it. I'm not angry with you."

He smiled softly at me, seeming relieved to hear me say that.

"Rhys, it was me that asked if she'd come." Feyre said. "When we left yesterday to go to Velaris, we were talking. We weren't sure if it would work. It would inadvertently have to involve Azriel."

"Not unless we do it it this way." I said. "It can, or it can't. Either way. It will hurt him if he doesn't know, though, and I'm not keen on hurting him. But, if we were to do part of the plan of me going to Autumn, when the time comes, I can get her out of Spring that much faster."

"What would you do in Autumn?" Rhys asked, eyebrows furrowing. "I doubt Beron would trust you."

"The last thing he knows is that I am his. If I play it that way, why would he have any cause of being suspicious? We have Ravenna imprisoned, so she can't warn him. There are dampeners on her powers, as well. What cause would he have to be suspicious of me if his mate called me his?"

"And if he discovers you are my daughter? He'd surely not be pleased." Rhys says gravely. "Beron is not a kind man, and I'd sooner keep him at arms-length than welcome him with open arms."

"If he discovers it. We should practice keeping in good terms with those who may be our enemies. Did we not have planned that Azriel would be with me? We were to be ambassadors. What better cover is that? We have a purpose to be that far south."

"Hm." Rhys mused. "And when Feyre escapes, leaving Spring in ruins, divided, wouldn't that turn all eyes on the ambassadors from Night? And then me?"

"Perhaps." I say. "But only if we aren't even there when she does escape. If she meets us in Winter, we can return to Night without any knowledge. As far as we knew, Feyre was a prisoner here, after all. A plaything for the evil High Lord. Why would we then care if the world has been led to believe that Feyre was a mere prisoner? We would then be just as shocked as our hosts at the idea that Feyre is a High Lady. The first in all of Prythian. Tamlin himself is doing all the work for us, if you think about it. He has been fuming about that day you stole her form their wedding."

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