Chapter 22

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Song- "Bad Liar" by Imagine Dragons

(This song, I think, is a really good theme song for Azriel. Are there any songs you think work for him? ~Cora Knight xoxo)


I couldn't do anything, so I disappeared into shadows before I could be impaled by a spear and reappeared where Mor was with Rhysand and Cassian.

Rhys disappeared with Feyre and I felt sick.

I collapsed to my hands and knees, shaking all over.

"It was him!" I gasped.

"It was who? Who was in there?" Cassian asked, hands moving to my shoulders.

"I killed the wrong Fae, Cassian. I killed the wrong one. Rhys gave me the wrong one. He looked like him, but he wasn't him."

"What are you saying?" Mor asked.

"That red-haired Fae in there! With the robotic eye! That's the bastard that abducted me! I killed the wrong Fae!"

Tears began to stream down my face.

"Lucien? Are you telling me Lucien snuck into the Night Court and abducted you?" Cassian asked in disbelief.

I couldn't speak. "It was him."

He merely looked to Mor and he picked me up and I didn't fight as she winnowed us back for the Night Court.


I sat with my knees to my chest on a window seat, staring out at the river below.

I wrapped my wings around myself and just stared. Feyre was resting in the next room over.

A soft knock sounded on the door but I didn't say anything. The door creaked open and closed against softly. Footsteps walked across the floor and he kneeled in front of me.

I looked at Azriel and his hazel eyes were filled with concern. I bit my lip and he just held his arms out to me and I slid off the bench and into his lap where he held me tightly.

He turned his face to kiss my tear-stained cheeks and he whispered, "Adrianna."


"You should rest. You've been through a lot today." He said softly, hands rubbing up and down my back and kissed my jaw.

"I just want to stay with you." I whispered meekly. I stroked my fingers through his hair and just held onto him even tighter.

In response, he picked me up and carried me to his room. He set me down gently on the side of the bed and kneeled in front of me, hands on my waist. They shook a little and I picked them up and kissed over the scars.

His rough fingers tightened around mine and he bowed his head.

"Love, come up here next to me." I said gently. I laced my fingers through his and stood up. "Come."

He didn't look at me.

I was beginning to get concerned, now. I eased off the bed and kneeled in front of him and lifted my hands to his face. "Love, what's wrong? Why do you look so sad?"

He leaned into my hands and I kissed his forehead. "He said something down there. Something I didn't think was true. But then I realized it was." He said softly.

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