Chapter 6

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I walked over to the bars of my cell and held onto them. She was crying. The human girl was crying. I had never meet a human before and wondered how old she was. She looked no older than I was, but I seriously doubted that she was one hundred and twenty-two.

"Hey." I called out.

Her sniffling faltered for a moment. "W-Who's there?"

"I'm in the cell across from you. I'd come over and say hi, but I'm kind of in the same predicament." I say and lean against the cold metal bars.

She turned around and came closer to the bars and I took her in. Round ears, a plain face, silver-blue eyes, and a dark blonde hair. I raised an eyebrow.

"How did you get so far into Prythian, human?"

She squinted at me. "You mean to say you aren't human, either?"

I smirked. "My name is Adrianna. I'm an Illyrian. They just clamped my wings behind me almost twenty-one years ago. I can see why you'd think so."

She frowned. "Oh. I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize. I'm used to it by now. Barely feel them now. What's your name?"

She hesitated. "Feyre." She replied softly.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Feyre. What are you in here for?"

She hesitated again, then said, "I'm a human."

I laughed. "You're a terrible liar, Feyre. I don't have anyone to tell." I sat down on the ground again and leaned my head against the bars.

She sighed heavily. "I'm here to save the man I love. He's under Amarantha's spell, and I made a deal with her that if I completed three tasks- one a month- then answered a riddle, she'd release him and lift the curse on him and his court."

I froze. "His he a High Lord?"


"Of the Spring Court?"


"Shit..." I breathed and she just laughed.

"Yeah, I know. A human and a High Lord in love. It's stupid, honestly."

"You know the Night and Spring Courts hate each other, right?"

"Yeah. We have every right to hate the Night Court. There're nothing but monsters."

I let out a broken laugh. "Believe me, I know."

"What Court are you from?" She asked

"If I tell you, I don't think you'll like me anymore very much. And it's been a while since I've had an actual friend."

Feyre frowned. "A...friend?"

"I mean, what else are you going to do in there? Wait for your next task? Months are nothing to an immortal, but to a human? I think having a friend- or someone to talk to- could keep you from going insane."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better? Because if so, you really suck at it." Feyre said blandly and I laughed a little.

"I've been in this cell for twenty-one years, Feyre. I only come out to work under intense labor or to fight as their champion in the Ring- an arena where they force two or sometimes four prisoners to fight to the death once a week. I've been in here for that long, with an opponent or two or three every week and I haven't lost a single fight. There's no room down here for kindness, girl, and the sooner you figure that out, the easier your life will be. Or what's left of it. Amarantha isn't too keen on making deals that don't benefit her. Let's just hope Tamlin is worth it."

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