Chapter 4

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Four months later, preparations were being made for our wedding. Haven had had several more meetings with the High Lord's Inner Circle and other commanders. I never saw Jace again in all that time, but I did see Azriel.

He didn't mention anything about the shadows and they hadn't come back, either.

But, there was still something about the Spymaster that made me wary. I would oftentimes look up to see him watching me. But when I caught him, he'd look away quickly.

It didn't make me uncomfortable, but it definitely confused me.

I was wandering through the halls of my home one day when I heard gushed voices coming from a room down the hall. Thinking it was Haven, I headed towards the room to investigate, but froze when I realized it wasn't anyone I knew.

The two High Fae before me both turned to look at me in disdain.

"Who are you? Why are you in my home?" I said, keeping my voice and even, lifting my chin and glaring at them.

"Your house?" One of the Fae asked and chuckled. He stepped towards me and I caught a glimpse of a green tunic and fiery red hair. Spring Court? "I didn't know Illyrian women owned houses."

I glared. "I didn't know Spring Cory High Fae were permitted through the boarder. You're trespassing. In the Night Court and in my home."

I took a step back down the hall and they stepped towards me. "I'm afraid we can't let you leave, now, girl." The red-haired one said.

I held my hands out in front of me. "Don't come any closer."

The red-haired Fae tilted his head to the side. "Not like you can do anything with those pretty clamps." He snarled.

I ground my teeth, then said, "No, but I can do this."

I then turned and ran, screaming at the top of my lungs for help.

But I didn't make it far down the hall because something hard hit the back of my head and I collapsed, sight going dark.


I woke up slowly. My head hurt like it had never hurt before. I opened my eyes and squinted through the pain.

My hands were bound behind me to a chair, my green dress was in tatters, and my red hair hung in my eyes.

My ankles were also bound.

I looked around, and I saw other figures tied up, too, my superior eyesight allowing me to see clearly in the dark room. But I wasn't sure where I was. Nothing looked familiar.

Then, the door opened, and those two Fae came in dragging another prisoner and tied them up across from me, connecting his cuffs to a loop of metal in the stone wall.

Where was I? What was happening?

When the door closed, the clinking of chains sounded and I whispered tentatively,

"What is this place? Where are we? Why were we all taken here?"

"We are going to be sold, Illyrian. Don't you know that Amarantha has goons everywhere? Capturing people to die in the Ring- her arena- for sport? For money?" A gravely male voice demanded from across the room. He sounded old.

My throat went dry. "A-Are we Under the Mountian?"

"As far as I know, yes." Said a female faerie next to me. She had brown hair and looked worried her eyebrows were drawn together and she sat on the floor next to my chair. I realized I was only in a chair because my wings were clamped to hold them straight and folded behind me.

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