Chapter 19

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Song- "Lost Control" by Alan Walker feat. Sorana


I stepped away from Jace's body and looked around at the other Illyrians gathered and merely wiped my sword off on his body and snatched up his sword from the ground.

"I hope you all now understand the capabilities of the High Lord's newest addition to his Court. I advise you all to make it known that she is a formidable foe, and if any of you do anything worthy of being punished by her..." Cassian smirked. "Pray to the Mother you instead are greeted by the Shadowsinger Azriel and his blade Truth Teller. You're all dismissed. I'll assign a new commander soon. Until then, I am your legion master, is that understood?"

They all nodded and left to continue their training and work.

Then, Cassian turned to look at me. "You never fail to amaze me, little sister." He winks and I grinned and took his arm and winnowed us back to the training grounds.

"I'm afraid I can't stay and train today. I need to go to Haven's mansion. Apparently there's unfinished business there I need to attend to. Thank you."

"For what?"

"For supporting me."

"Adrianna, the day I stop supporting you will be the day I die. Now go on, Assassin. Make yourself known."


I changed into travel clothes and winnowed to the mansion alone. I carried a bag slung over my shoulder and I stopped in front of the doors that lead into the mansion, then opened them and stepped inside, closing the doors behind me.

The entry hall was the same. The staircase I had first seen Azriel from loomed above me. A corridor stretched down to the dining room, sitting room, kitchen, and library. I stood in the entry hall and looked up when the Butler- Gregory- bustled into the hall.

"Lady Adrianna! Oh, how glad I am to see you! And your wings are free! I am so very glad!" He bubbled and took my hands, squeezing them once with a big smile on his mustached face.

"I got your letter. There are things I need to do here?" I asked.

He nodded. "Oh, yes, yes. If you will follow me right this way, Lady, I will bring you to them."

I nodded and let him lead me down the main corridor to the sitting room. He opened the doors for me and I stepped inside, vaguely recognizing the four people and cluster of servants in the room.

Their eyes fell to my left hand and when they saw the ring replaced with tattoos, they put on forced smiles. I moved my hands into my pockets.

"Lady Adrianna. Do you remember us?" A faerie asked to the right and I grimaced.

"No. I'm sorry. It's been a, ah, difficult past twenty-two years, I'm afraid."

"Oh, no need to apologize, my lady!" She quickly introduced herself and the other three as the head maid, and then the stable caretaker, groundskeeper, and gardener.

I offered a tense smile. "Haven was banished?" I asked.

"Oh, yes. He never told you? The High Lord banished him! And then you were kidnapped and it was so dreadful!" The maid said, a hand over her collarbone.

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