Chapter 2

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I sat at a vanity and flinched as pins were pushed into my hair. I was to have dinner with Haven tonight, and I was required to look "pleasing".

I wore a dress with a very low neckline, and the clamps on my wings were decorated with silver chains. When I inquired of the servant behind me about how Haven acquired such wealth, she replied that he was a captain in the Night Court's armies. Tonight was a meeting with the General and I was only allowed to sit by Haven and remain silent like a good fiancée.

When I was done, I could hardly tell I looked injured between Haven's healing this morning and the servant girl's job with the makeup and layering of fabrics.

I left my room when she was finished without a word and made my way down the hall, gripping my hands tightly and playing with my engagement ring.

When I reached the top of the banister, I looked down the stairs to the Front Hall to see Haven with a few other Illyrians bowing to two other Illyrians.

One had shoulder-length black hair and had seven- seven- red Syphons along his armor. The one who stood next to him also had seven Syphons but they were blue. He seemed to wear shadows and darkness like a cloak. And that's when I realized who they were.

I didn't dare walk down the stairs now. Part of the High Lord's Inner Circle was here for this meeting. General Cassian and the Spymaster and Shadowsinger Azriel.

The Spymaster's gaze shifted up to wear I stood and his hazel eyes locked onto mine. I couldn't breathe as he stared at me- assessed me- taking in everything.

Haven noticed the Spymaster's diverted attention and he turned to see me at the top of the stairs.

"Ah. Adrianna. Please, come down and meet our guests." He says and beckons me forward, a hand out.

Resting one hand on the rail, I came down the steps and took his hand when I reached the bottom.

The General and Shadowsinger took in my appearance and my clamped wings and I could have sworn Azriel scowled.

"Why is she clamped?" The General asked.

"She was caught flying, General." Haven replied evenly. "It's against the law."

General Cassian looked me up and down and I remained silent. Then, he asked, "Clamps on your wings? Tell me, are you in any pain?"

"I healed-" Haven began but a snarl from the General cut him off.

"I was talking to the lady." He growled, then looked back to me.

I swallowed hard. ", my lord."

He just nodded once and turned back to Haven and the others, but the Shadowsinger was still watching me.

Feeling uncomfortable, I merely tightened my hold on Haven's arm. He looked down at me and just said, "If you will all follow me, dinner is ready."

Walking on the arm of Haven, I felt both confident in that I was to marry such a rich male, but insecure because my wings were clamped. I could feel the Shadowsinger's eyes on my every movement.

When we reached the dining room, Haven pulled a chair out for me at his right side, then sat down once I was seated. Azriel, Cassian, and the other officials took up positions around us. A few of the other commanders gave me nasty looks, but I kept my chin high.

Haven moved a hand to rest on my knee and he squeezed it once in a comforting manner, then steepled his fingers.

"Before we begin, gentlemen, my fiancée Adrianna will be treated with respect throughout this entire meeting. Is that clear?"

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