Chapter 29

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We arrived at the Court of Nightmares and I wondered what would happen next. I certainly had gained a reputation for myself, but Mor told me they often gave her a hard time just for being female.

I told her men liked to remain oblivious to the power of women because they were threatened by us.

I held Azriel's hand at the entrance to the throne room. Rhys stood in front of us, at the front, with Feyre on his arm. She had her hair down, and wore an outfit similar to the one she wore under the mountain, but this time, she wasn't stark naked. This wasn't the time for Rhys and Feyre to make their announcement. No. Autumn and Spring had to be dealt with first. A crown sat on her head, a small silver tiara. To anyone looking at her, one would think she was just there to please Rhysand.

But it was more than that. They were mates. And Rhysand has every and full intention to make her a queen. No- the High Lady. And I was the only other living soul who knew about it.

Azriel and I, however, had real shadows to done ourselves with. Him in his fighting leathers and me in a formal military dress, we looked like a menacing pair.

Behind us stood Mor and Amren, and behind them stood Cassian. All of us looked like we were dunked in coal dust for the occasion. Except for Mor. She wore her red dress with the low neckline and slit in the skirt.

The doors opened.

Faeries left and right bowed as the High Lord entered with Feyre on his arm. They wanted to a throne at the head of the room and Azriel and I walked in next with Mor and Cassian and Amren. Eyes followed my every movement, eyeing me curiously.

There were Illyrian generals that I recognized, and a few dignitaries I did because of Haven. The other faeries and Fae were strangers to me.

They didn't call this place the Court of Nightmares for nothing. If I wasn't accustomed to the dark, I would have been unnerved by the place.

I had my arm looped through Azriel's and we must have been a spectacle, with the shadows trailing off our wings and clothes. Cassian, Mor, and Amren took their places closer to the throne, and Feyre sat in Rhys' lap, leaning back into him as they played their power play move.

The room was silent, all eyes trained on the High Lord, waiting for him to speak.

"I'd like to introduce the newest member of my Inner Circle." Rhys said and waved towards me. I straightened. "A few of you have met Adrianna Meridia from her time in the Illyrian war camps. Despite what she was put through, she has become a formidable weapon, serving me Under the Mountain for twenty-two years. She is the Night Court's assassin and if you are ever met by her or her mate, Azriel, you should pray you do not meet the end of her blade. Now. You have reports for me?"

Rhysand was nothing but solid stone. As hard as granite and expression filled with distaste. His violet eyes made him look almost otherworldly, and the way Feyre perched in his lap...while I honestly hated it, I understood.

A part of me hated it because of what I had personally been through. Showing her off like that made me squirm. But another part of me understood that as mates, neither saw it as anything but love. The way his hand gently stroked her thigh. It was how I felt for Azriel and he for me. But here, it was control he wanted to be seen. But she sat on him, so she had just as much control in this situation as he did. She could easily leave, and the way she lounged showed just how comfortable she was, a dare in her silvery eyes directed at anyone that dared look at her in any way other than reverence

Feyre Archeron demanded respect. And she earned it. Right here. In the Court of Nightmares. I was proud at how far my friend had come.

I looked over to the crowd and noticed a familiar commander who was staring at me. His eyebrows were drawn together and his eyes were narrowed. I knew who he was. Why he was here. And what about me made him so angry. All of these things flashed in my mind at once.

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