Chapter 42

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For the next two weeks, Feyre worked discretely to make the citizens fall in love with her. And I worked to keep suspicion off of her and on me. In fact, people were so focused on me, I had people know my routine, and if it varied, Tamlin was notified.

I had had a few meetings with the distasteful High Lord already. None were appreciated. I was pregnant and moody, after all. I was honestly a bit weirded out by how fast my body was changing. I assumed because the baby was going to come out with clawed Illyrian wings.... Mother help me.

I knew exactly who was behind the tattle-tale business. The twins and Lucien hated me, but for some reason, Jurian and I got along. We shared a mutual hate for Amarantha, after all. He also found it interesting that I was related to Hybern and would ask me questions, not knowing he was only getting lies in return.

It was announced we would be taking a journey to the Wall. Feyre argued with Tamlin to let her come until he finally relented. He couldn't deny the fact that he had locked her up before. I would have killed him if he did it again.

Tamlin, Lucien, Brannagh, Dagdan, Jurian, Feyre, and I made our way into the forest that afternoon. I didn't let Feyre leave my line of sight.

"You can relax." Dagdan said in my ear, making me flinch away from him. "No one is going to hurt her."

"I don't exactly find that comforting." I snarled. "As long as you remember my promise, you can rest assured that no one will hurt her."

Dagdan chuckled and he looked an arm around my shoulders, squeezing tightly as he hissed, "You're funny. The only reason you're still alive is because you are my cousin."

I hissed right back, "The only reason you are alive is because there hasn't been a convenient enough time for me to kill you yet."

He glared at me and Brannagh tugged him away from me and Feyre approached, touching my shoulder. "What's wrong with you two?"

I looked at her. "My cousin is a pain in my ass. Threatening you and me was a mistake."

A small smirk touched her lips. "Perhaps it will be his last."

"Hm. Perhaps." I replied.

We were given horses, and I refused to ride with Lucien and took my own horse as Feyre mounted up with Tamlin.

We then began our trek south into the woods. We travelled for several hours, Ianthe talking our ears off about the Mother and the Cauldron and all that horse shit.

When we finally reached our destination, Tamlin was suddenly called back to the palace on urgent business.

"Go ahead. I'll stay here with the Hybern emissaries. I'll be safe." Feyre reassured him before watching him transform into a beast and run off into the forest. Leaving us alone with our targets.

We continued on as if nothing had changed. That night, we made camp, and I sat next to Feyre and leaned back against a tree. My stomach was killing me from the traveling we had done today. Being pregnant really was a struggle.

The silver Syphons on my wrists glowed as I snapped my fingers and a fire sprang to life before me on the logs a guard had brought.

Several pairs of eyes were riveted on me and I narrowed my eyes at them, shadows curling around the tips of my Illyrian wings. "Can I help you?"

They turned away and resumed their usual chatter. When dinner came, I refused food, feeling too nauseous for the stew that was made. I let Feyre eat, however, and watched the people around me watch her eat.

At some point, Feyre dozed off on my shoulder, but woke up as a scream made us both look up to see Brannagh and Dagdan dragging two screaming humans towards camp. Children of the Blessed.

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