Chapter 1

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-Just Another Day

*Unknown POV*
He's so fucking beautiful. I wish you looked at me like that, I watched him as he smiled at talked to his friends. I'll watch over you from now on just to make sure you're safe. I don't mean to sound like a total creep but I want you, N-No not in a possessive way.

Is it okay if I take away your closest friends? You wouldn't mind right? I mean after they're gone you'll be alone for awhile until you meet me.. Maybe I'll bump into you by 'accident' no no. Maybe I should make friends with your friends and have them introduce us.. yea! That sounds perfect.

*Present Time*
*Gon's POV*

I wake up with the sun hitting my face. I turn over and look at the clock, it's 6am so I guess I'll start getting ready for school. I walked into the bathroom and ran a hot shower. I looked at myself in the mirror and stroke a sexy pose flexing my muscles.. "Please don't do that again" I told myself and laughed. I stripped naked and got into the shower.

I should introduce myself.. My names Gon Freecss. I'm 17 years old and a junior at Hunter High. Relationship status..Taken. I date this beautiful girl named Retz, she means everything to me. Friends.. two Zushi, and Kite. Best friends.. two Leorio and Kurapika.

I got out the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist and began to get dressed for school. Once I was dressed I headed downstairs to see my Aunt Mito drinking her morning coffee.

"Morning aunt Mito!"

"Good Morning" she said greeting me with a hug

I hugged her back and grabbed an apple off the table.

"You aren't having breakfast?"

"No it's 7:30 I don't want to be late" I waved goodbye to her as I left out the door.

Once I was outside I took a deep breath in "It's going to be a good day, I can smell it."

*Killua's POV*

I wake up with my mom yelling my name through the door. Her voice made me want to drill holes through my head.



"I'm up!" I shouted as I dragged my body out of bed. It was already 7:30 so I'll skip a shower. I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, my hair was already messy, I liked the messy look so I shook my head a little and styled my hair. I spit into the sink and went to look for something to wear.

"Who am I kidding" I grabbed an all black hoodie to cover the cuts I had going down both arms and I put on some all black ripped jeans. I grabbed my phone and my book bag a left out of the house.

"Oh shit" I turned back around because I left my earphones.. School would be a living hell without them. As I walk down my normal path to school I see this boy.. He's wearing a all white skin tight shirt and blue jeans. His hair stood out the most it looked jet black from where I was standing but green in the sun.

I watched him as he bit into a apple in his hand..his jawline was so sharp, fuck that his whole body was perfect- "OUCH!"

I ran into a tree.. that's what I get for staring I guess.

I watched him more until we both reached the same destination. "He goes to school here? come I've never noticed him until now?"

He walks up to my friend Retz and kisses her on the lips. Their kiss made my stomach turn.. I looked away and walked into the school.

As I entered the school I was immediately annoyed. Just another day of loud obnoxious kids running around like wild animals. I put my earbuds in, shoved my hands into my pocket and walk to first period.

*Gon's POV*

Retz lips were so soft, I wanted to pick her up and do her against the wall behind us. We were interrupted by my friend Leorio..

"Get a room you two" he said grinning

I let go of Retz and laugh awkwardly. It was nothing new for Leorio or anyone to see us kiss, but still it would always catches me off guard. We all walk into school together I stop at my locker and twist in my combination.

"So are you guys coming to Palm's party this Friday?" Leorio asked

He was looking at me specifically. I rolled my eyes at him and sighed

"Yeah.." he did a little happy dance at my words

"Really babe?" Retz said

"Yea why not" I faked smiled

You see Palm has always had a thing for me. Even though I'm with Retz, she still tries to hook up with me but I just ignore her. Don't get me wrong she was really gorgeous but the fact that she tries to get with me even though I'm in a relationship doesn't feel right.

Retz and I part ways with Leorio and head to class. When me and Retz walked into class we got all kinds of looks not in a bad way. People always said we were a good couple. I kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear when we entered class

"Hurry and take your seat lovebirds" Mr.Wing instructed

I laughed and walked to my seat. I sat behind some boy with big fluffy white hair, sometimes I had to look around him to see the board. I'm not complaining though I liked how white his hair was. Did he dye it? Today I noticed as I walked to my seat he was looking directly in my face so I smiled at him, but when I did he immediately turned his head the other way.


I rubbed the back of my head and sat down behind him.

*Killua's POV*

Ah! what was that.. Ugh why didn't I just smile back instead of looking away.. Now he's going to think I don't like him or something. Since when was he in this class? He never sat behind me until today..

"Gon you can answer number three" Mr.Wing said

I looked around the class waiting for someone to give an answer. Then I heard the chair behind me scratch against the floor. I looked back and the boy stood up holding his paper..

"Titans invaded wall Maria in the year 845 killing thousands" he said

"Good job, you may sit"

I looked at him and my face turned completely red, he sat back down and looked me right in the eyes and my heart began to pound. I turned around and held my face.. "Get it together" I thought

I could feel him looking at me.. I wanted to turn around and look at him so bad but I already came off awkward enough. I loosened the choker around my neck because it was getting hard for me to breathe

"Fuck what's wrong with me.." I felt butterflies in my stomach when we made eye contact..

He was so hot. And he was obviously strong he wore that shirt so people could see it.. I definitely could

I gulp and fake drop my pencil off of my desk, but my dumb ass must have did it wrong. "How the fuck do you mess up dropping a pencil?" I ask myself because it rolled to his seat 

I look back and he was already picking it up for me.. He had it and was holding it up to me

"Here you go" he said smiling

"T-Thank you" I grabbed it as I looked at him

Fuckkk... he was even hotter face to face. His eyes were big and brown, his skin was nice and tan, and his smile was.. I realized I was staring for too long..

I blushed and turned around putting my head on my desk. "Omg, you're so embarrassing" I hope he didn't see me blushing..


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