Chapter 21

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-The Carnival (part 1)

*Killua's POV*

Three days since Gon and I went stargazing. I've been at his house ever since then. I've spent the last days getting closer to his aunt Mito. Me and Gon have gotten even closer, I bought him a joy station yesterday. He's never played a game before which was weird so I got him one. We've been playing it all night. Today was Saturday, he says he has one more thing planned before the day ends. I'll have to go home tomorrow since I'm completely healed. We'll be going back to school on Monday.


Aunt Mito heads up to Gon's room. He asked her yesterday to wake them up so they could get ready for their final date. She walks in to see them sleeping wildly she couldn't help but to laugh at the sight. Gon was hanging off the bed while Killua was on the bed with his head dangling off the side.

(This was so cute act like they look 17♡)

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(This was so cute act like they look 17)

She lightly shakes Gon until he wakes up. "It's already 2pm" she says. He rubs his eyes as they adjust to the bright room. "Thanks aunt Mito"

"So where are you guys going today?" she asks.

Gon looks over to see Killua still asleep. He leans in to Mito's ear and says "I'm taking Killua to the carnival". Her eyes widen and she smiles. "Well starts getting ready". Gon nods and she leaves out.

"Killuaaa" he dragged as he shook him

"Hmm" he says. "Wake up"

Killua turns his head still laying down rubbing his eyes. "I'm up" he closes them again. Gon shook him again "Killuaaa" no response. Gon pushes Killua off the bed. THUD! "Ow what the hell Gon!"

"You wouldn't get up!" Gon pouted

"Whatever" Killua said rubbing his head

They head to the bathroom together to brush their teeth. Killua is still half of sleep but Gon is wide awake excited for the day with Killua.

"Where are we even going today?"

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"Where are we even going today?"

"It's a Secret" he says and waves his finger in Killua's face. They finish in the bathroom and go to get dressed. Killua is wearing Gon's clothes since he never brought any of his own.

"Killuaaa pleaseeee" Gon says shaking him. Killua rolls his eyes and sighs. "Fine!, If I don't like it I'm not wearing it Gon."

Gon smiles and searches for something for Killua to wear. He dresses Killua in a white shirt with a lighting logo on the side, blue shorts that were knee high and threw a snap back on Killua. "You'll wear this jacket for now since it's cold out" Gon held a cute light blue bomber jacket that matched the shorts. Killua liked it, he was going to take it. "Okay!" he said happy

After Killua was dressed Gon went ahead and dressed himself. He never liked dressing up so he just put on tan pants, a black t-shirt,his all white hoodie and put a visor on his head. "Do I look cute Killua?" he said spinning in a circle.

"You always look cute." Killua grabbed Gon's waist and threw him onto the bed. He got on top of him and kissed him a bit. "Killua" Gon said putting his finger so it blocks their lips from touching.


"Later" Gon said getting up. Killua pouted and put on his shoes. They say goodbye to aunt Mito and head out to get their day started

They walk down the streets with their hands intertwined together. It was now 5pm and the sun was starting to set. Daylight savings is the reason for the sun setting so early. Gon looks at Killua and smiles, Killua raises his eyebrow at him confused.

"What are you so happy about?" Killua asks

"I like this, holding hands with you in public I mean"

Killua blushes and turns his head "Idiot cut it out, that's embarrassing!"

"How? I really mean it" Gon said trying to get Killua to look at him again.


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