Chapter 24

417 11 13

-Back To School

*Gon's POV*

I'm happy! I never knew I could miss school this much. I quickly brush my teeth and get in the shower. I get dressed I want to look nice going back. And maybe for Killua as well. I head downstairs.

"I'm skipping breakfast" I quickly grab a apple off the table and wave goodbye to aunt Mito

"Someone's excited to get back to school" she said

I walk and inhale the air. Back to school...

I finally get to school and see all the students playing around and some going into the school. I sit on the steps waiting for Killua. I was nervous because Killua and I decided to go public.. I bite into the apple tapping my foot against the ground anxiously. I see someone familiar. It was Leorio and Kurapika!


Gon stands to greet them with a hug but instead he gets hit by both of them. "Ow! what was that for?" he said rubbing his head.

"Where have you been?!" Kurapika says

"You disappear for a week without texting of calling anyone." Leorio adds

Gon rubs the back of his head and laughs nervously. "I'm sorry" he looks around "I've been sick" he says

Leorio and Kurapika weren't buying this obvious lie. "Oh really? Then what about Killua?" Kurapika says

"I think I-I gave him my sickness" Gon says

Kurapika rolls his eyes "Out with it"

"Fine, I was with Killua" he says and pouts. Leorio smiles ear to ear "Ohhh yea" he hit me with his elbow smirking.


Gon looks to see Killua approaching them. Gon thinks 'He looks so hot today'. He finally reaches them and smiles "Hey guys".

"Killua!" Kurapika hugs him. Gon pouts. "Killua gets a hug but I get hit? no fair" He said crossing his arms. Gon smiles at Killua

"Morning" he said and kissed him. Killua kisses him back "Good Morning" he said blushing. Kurapika and Leorio looks at them confused.

"Did we miss something?" they both say

Gon and Killua both laugh. "We're dating now" Gon said blushing. "Yay!" Kurapika said.

"So you ended things with Retz?" He nods

The bell rings and they all start to walk into school. But Gon is stopped by someone.

"Gon, can we talk?" He looked up and saw Retz. She was standing in front of him blocking off the steps. "No thanks" He says. He grabs Killua's hand and pushes past her. He looks back at her and says

"Sorry but my boyfriend wouldn't want me talking to an ex" He stuck out his tongue and walked into the school with Killua.

That made Retz pissed. Gon's action was the reason Retz decides to do what she will do in the future.

Killua blushes while walking through the halls holding hands with Gon. They're getting all types of looks but he doesn't care. He hears whispers from everyone around and stops walking jerking Gon back.

"What's wrong Killua?"

Killua suddenly cups Gon's face and presses his lips against Gon's. He didn't know why he did it he just did. Gon wraps his arm around Killua's waist and kisses him back.

The kids in the hallway all gasped and whisper even more to themselves. Killua pulled away and blushed. He grabbed Gon's hand and quickly walked to their first class.

"What was that about?" Gon said blushing a little

"I can't kiss my boyfriend?" He asks

"You can"

"Good" Killua says. "Someone's feeling bold today" Gon said smirking at Killua.

"I can get bolder" Killua smirked back

This caught Gon off guard. He's never seen Killua this way before. It turned him on when Killua was being bold like this..

"Prove it" Gon said looking Killua up and down

Killua grabs Gon's hand and quickly walks to the bathroom.


They enter the bathroom and Killua pulls Gon into the biggest stall and locks it.


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