Chapter 12

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-Therapy Sessions

*Flashback 5 Months Ago*

Knock Knock Knock

"Gon it's 12pm get up and get dressed and ready for therapy!"

"Okay Mito-San"

*30 Minutes Later*

Dr.Shizuku: Gon, how are you doing?

Gon: I'm fine.

Dr.Shizuku: How are you copping with the accident?

Gon: I'm fine.

Dr.Shizuku: You killed someone, you don't feel anything?

Gon: I'm fine.

*3 Months Ago*

Dr.Shizuku: So how was your first day at school?

Gon: It was school..

Dr.Shizuku: Have you made any friends?

Gon: No not interested

*2 Months Ago*

Gon: I made a friend Dr.Shizuku!

Dr.Shizuku: Wait really?

Gon: Yes!

Dr.Shizuku takes out her notebook and pen

Dr.Shizuku: Tell me all about it..

Gon: Well he isn't my friend yet, I've just been watching him..

His name is Killua Zoldyck. He's 17 just like me! He has big white fluffy hair and blue cat shaped eyes. His skin is pale but I like it..

Dr.Shizuku: And?

I noticed him on my first day. I just didn't tell you, but he was with his friends and had earphones in his ears. I couldn't help but to watch him. Aunt Mito got mad at me that day because I missed all of my classes.

Dr.Shizuku: Why did you miss your classes?

I was learning Killua's classes. His first period, second, third, forth, and we shared the same lunch. I went to the principals office and requested a schedule change.. I lied and said I was having trouble with people in my morning classes, so I requested Mr.Wing and Ms.Krueger for my morning classes (Killua's classes).

Dr.Shizuku: Why?

I want to be closer to Killua. I was planning how we could become friends. You see I was shy I didn't want to just go up to him. I wanted to learn and break down everything about him.

For example ten minutes can't go past without him brushing my thoughts. That's fourteen forty a day so I'll say a hundred and forty times I think about him something like that. I'm bad at math

Dr.Shizuku: Okay what else did you learn?

One day after school I followed Killua to wherever his home was. I watched him press his hand against a gate and the doors open. My Killua's some kind of rich boy! I realize that the way he walks home walks to school isn't different from mines. He didn't live far from me! Even though I drive I decided to stop and walk just to be closer to him. I now take the same route as Killua, around the same time but not exactly. I would be up before Killua always, then he would come.

Dr.Shizuku: When do you plan to interact with Killua?

Soon! really soon today I saw him. As I watched him, I thought to myself "He's so fucking beautiful. I can tell you aren't smiling truly.." He was talking to his friends. One girl with long blonde hair, turquoise eyes. The other long white hair, pale skin. The last brownskin, short buzzed haircut. Retz, Kite, and Zushi. "I'll watch over you from now on just to make sure you're safe." Is what I was thinking. Dr.Shizuku I don't mean it in a creepy way but I want Killua..

Dr.Shizuku: Sounds like you're being obsessive and possessive over someone you don't even know.. Okay keep going..

N-No not in a possessive way. I just want him. So the second day I was planning on how I would officially meet Killua.. "Is it okay if I take away your closest friends? You wouldn't mind right?" I know I sound selfish and Killua would be alone for awhile until he meets me.. I thought "Maybe I'll bump into you by 'accident' no no. Maybe I should make friends with your friends and have them introduce us..yea! that's perfect!" That's when I decided to date Retz.

*1 Month Ago*

Dr.Shizuku: So how are things?

Gon: I'm still dating Retz for now so far so good. I hate seeing Killua hurt, he thinks I like Retz but I really want him.

Dr.Shizuku: Why not just be straightforward. You say he confessed he liked you?

Gon: Yes! and it was the happiest moment of my life. But I want to keep going as I planned I have everything planned..

Gon: If I would have made love to Killua that day in the bathroom it would have ruined everything. Trust me

Dr.Shizuku: What are you're plans?


*Present Time*

Gon: Can we make this quick? I have a date!

Dr.Shizuku: Ooooh Okay!

Gon: I think I want to go to the next level with Killua..

Dr.Shizuku: Meaning?

Gon: Sex. I mean I'm not a virgin but Killua is. Well I'm a guy virgin but not a girl virgin.. Meanwhile Killua is both. I still date Retz but I'm planning on dumping her..

Dr.Shizuku: Did you use condoms?

Gon: Of course! I won't with Killua though

Dr.Shizuku: Oh well be safe remember that

Gon: I can't wait.. I don't know if I should do it or if Killua should.. I should let him I don't know..

Dr.Shizuku: So after you end things with Retz you and Killua will be official?

Gon: No.. not yet.. I have to handle something

Dr.Shizuku: Hmm?

Gon: Killua has a boyfriend. The thought of him with somebody else I don't like it..

Dr.Shizuku: If you hurt anyone again. You will be sent away..You're 17 now Gon. Anything you do you'll be charged as an adult

Gon: I know that's why I gave Killua a chance to dump him.

I'm in love..I thought it would never happen again but it's happening! All over again..


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