Chapter 11

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-Fireflies and Butterflies

*Killua's POV*

Gon told me he would pick me up around 7pm. That he needed time to 'prepare'. He also said to dress comfy and told me it will get hot outside.. I put on a T-shirt even though it showed my cuts.. Maybe he won't notice since it will be dark outside. Once I was dressed I headed to Alluka's room.

I knock then enter. "Alluka guess what!"

"Hmm Onii-Chan?"

"I'm going on a date with Gon" I say smiling ear to ear. I was so happy

"Really?!" I nod at her really fast

"Kil" I turn around and it was Illumi.

"Give me a second Alluka"

I step outside of her room and talk to Illumi. "What?" He flipped his hair "Hisoka told me about your 'incident' at school today" I roll my eyes "I wasn't having sex and so what if I was?" He crossed his arms and walked off "Be careful with that one Kil" he said and walked off.. What?

Gon: I'm outside

I couldn't stop smiling when I read this message. I go hug Alluka. "If mom calls me for dinner tell her I went to sleep and keep the door unlocked for me" she nodded at me.

I go outside and get into Gon's car. He smiles at me and pulls off. "You're not going to make me walk home this time right?" I said jokingly. Gon laughs
"I won't". After a few minutes we reach our destination I guess because Gon stops.. It was a complete forest, I hope he doesn't kill me. "Killua stay here" he gets out and shuts his door, he then comes around to open mines.. I blush at his gesture.

He holds my hands and leads me through the forest until we finally reach some big tree and a blanket that's laid out in front of it. We sit down and I look around.. "This is romantic" I said sarcastically "Just wait" he said smiling widely..

"So Killua while we wait I want to know more about you.." I nod

"Well about earlier, we got away with that because Mr.Morow is dating my brother" I said "Woah really" "Yes"

"There's nothing really important about me.. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister" I try to think of anything else but that's it..

"Your turn" I say looking at him. He smiles and begins to talk

"Well I'm not from YorkNew I'm from a place called Whale Island, I moved here after a accident.."

"What accident"

He rubs the back of his head and shakes it. "I'll tell you another time"

I pout "Fine"

"I'm an only child, my dad left me with my aunt when I was two" He rubs his chin trying to think

"That's about it" he said holding out his tongue

"Have you brought Retz here before?" I ask

He shook his head "Nope! I come here when I feel sad or overwhelmed. They help me feel better"


"Se-cr-et" he said waving his finger in my face

I found it cute

We talk about other random stuff like our favorite colors, zodiac signs, goals for senior year, and other stuff.

Gon then looks at his phone and says "It's time" I look at him confused and then he points to the big tree in front of us.. I look at it for about two minutes then my eyes light up.

It was a bunch of fireflies coming from the tree. Bright yellow, they made the tree look like a huge flower. I was amazed I've never seen anything so beautiful.. Gon then taps my leg and I look at him.

He was holding one, he had his hand cupped in like a circle form and told me to take a closer look.

They were really tiny but the light they produced was something else

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They were really tiny but the light they produced was something else. Gon held his hand up and let it fly away. I just looked at him. This was a happy moment but I really wanted to cry. It was so beautiful..

I started to tear up looking at him and he came over and held my face. After he looked at me for a bit he gave me a deep kiss on the lips and I kissed him back. My tears started to flow more. This was special our First meaningful kiss. To me at least.. Gon pulls back and wipes my tears

"Don't cry Killua"

He grabs my arm, the one with all my cuts..

"Why would you damage such perfect skin?" he asks me with his eyes tearing up.

He began to kiss them, all the scars on my arm. That didn't help I just started to cry more each time he kissed one. He cupped my face again and kissed me.

"Killua I'm going to break up with Retz" he said as he looked at the beautiful fireflies

I looked at him with my puffy eyes, "Why?"

"Isn't it obvious?" he said smiling at me

I wipe my eyes and smile back

"You have to break up with your boyfriend too"

"Gon-" I started to tell that we never dated but I didn't want to ruin the moment..

"Okay I promise"

Gon held his pinky out to me.. "What?" I asked he grabbed my hand and locked my pinky with his. He starts to sing while bouncing our hand up and down

"Pinky swear made. Whoever breaks their promise has to swallow a thousand needles!" I laugh at his cuteness

Gon looks up and says "Where I'm from there's another part.. you put your thumbs together like this Chuuu! sealed with a kiss~" My heart was racing how could he be so fucking cute

"Just to be safe" he leans into kiss me with our pinky's still locked together. I kiss him back..

"Do the fireflies help you feel calm Killua?"

"Yea, it's really beautiful here Gon.."

"Good! now whenever you feel sad and you think about hurting yourself just call me and we can come here together whenever you want!" he held my hand and looked at the tree


This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me..

"G-Gon I really like you..alot" I really wanted to say love but what if he leaves me like last time..?

"I know I like you too Killua.." he looked me in the eyes

Butterflies filled my stomach as the fireflies lit up the sky. Best Night Ever.

But of course good things never last..

-This may be my favorite chapter I've made so far


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