Chapter 13

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-Double Date

*Killua's POV*

"Gon's late!" Kurapika said "I'm getting hungry" he added.

"I knoww, he said he had to help his aunt Mito with something and that's he's on his way now"

After a few minutes Gon comes running through the cafes door panting.. "Gon!" I ran up to him and rub his back "Did you run all the way here?"

He just breathed heavy and nodded. So I lead him to the booth we were all sitting at. "About time!" Kurapika said

"Sorry" Gon laughed and looked at the menu. "Did you guys order yet?" he adds

"No not yet" I say

"Enough stalling" Leorio snatched Gon's menu. "Are you guys dating or what?!" My face burned red..

"No not yet." Gon said so I rolled my eyes

"Yea, he's still deeply in love with his Retz!" I say stuffing my face in the menu. "Killua..." he says I can tell he was sad.. "Don't say that" I just need to find the right moment".

"Plus did you guys know Killua had a boyfriend?"

Leorio and Kurapika look at me with big eyes. "What the fuck?" Leorio said "And you didn't tell us?" Kurapika added

I really wanted to say that I didn't but I couldn't.

We all order our food, laugh, talk and eat. I was stuffed. "So Killua tell us about your mans" Leorio said waiting for a reaction out of Gon. I looked at him and it looked like he could care less

I rolled eyes and start to make up scenarios. "Actually I think we may be something more.. I mean since we you know.." I acted shy. I could feel Gon looking at me.

"No,we don't know" Kurapika said drinking his tea..

I hesitated for a second "Since I lost my virginity to him.." I mumbled and since Gon was sitting next to me I know he heard it.. "What?!" Leorio said

"You're not a virgin anymore?!" Kurapika added. "Keep it down!" I say. They all were reacting except for Gon..

"Well then Killua, what do I need you for?" Gon said in a spiteful tone..

"What?" I said looking at him. He looked pissed like really pissed.

"I take you out somewhere nice and you thank me by fucking some guy you just met?" he raised his voice a little..

"Gon calm down" Kurapika said

He slammed his hands on the table and looked at me "You wanted me to break up with Retz to be with a slut like you?"

"G-Gon stop I-" I stutter on my words because I couldn't believe he was saying these words to me..

"Leave Killua."

"No why should I"

"I regret ever saying I liked you, I can't believe I was going to dump a 10 like Retz for a 2 like you"

"Fuck I don't even want to look at you. You're so disgusting to me.." he says and goes on his phone..

I was lost for words..The pain in my chest was unbearable. It hurts so much I want to die right now..

"You guys need to chill" Leorio said

I got up from the table and ran into the bathroom. As I left the table I heard Gon say "Don't come back" which hurt even more..

"Gon really? I'm going to check on him.." Kurapika says

Kurapika entered the bathroom and I was a crying mess. My eyes were red and I was breathing heavy.

"Killua, did you actually-" he didn't even have to finish his sentence.. "No! of course I didn't" I started to cry more.. "I would never let nobody other than Gon touch me.." How could he say that to me..

"Killua you shouldn't play like that.."

"I know I just want Gon to give me attention, I want him to love me like ughhh" I grab my hair "I want us to be a happy couple like you and Leorio"

"And if I'm being honest I don't even date Pitou.. it was all some dumb lie" I say wiping my eyes

" need to explain this to him and he needs to apologize about the words he used against you"

Kurapika hugged me and rubbed my back. "Let's go"
We exited out of the bathroom and that's when my heart breaks in two. Gon is holding some girl in his arms and what makes it worse is that it's not even Retz it's some random girl that was in the café. She was sitting in my seat right beside Gon. He noticed me looking and grabbed the girl and started to kiss her while looking at me.. He was rubbing it in my face how he could have anyone he wanted..

"Killu-" before Kurapika finishes I walk up to Gon and slap him as hard as I could. I almost hit the girl to but restrained myself.. Afterwards I stormed out of the café.


"What the-" Gon said pushing the girl off of him and tries to follow Killua but Kurapika stops him. "I know you're not going to fight him" Gon looks at her puzzled "Are you high? I would never hurt Killua" he said "No physically at least" he added. Kurapika got the car keys from Leorio and chased after Killua.

"What was that about?" the girl asked. Gon looked at her utterly disgusted. "You can go now" he said to her. She rolled her eyes and bumped Gon as she left. "Did you just get dumped?" Leorio asked laughing Gon sat back down in his seat "I never dated him and never will".

Kurapika catches up to Killua and tried to talk to him but Killua won't budge. "At least let me drive you home Killua.." After a quiet drive they arrive at Killua's house he gets out the car and closes the door "Thanks Kurapika, you saved me again" he said quietly as he enters his house.

*Back At The Café*

"Gon! you need to go and apologize to Killua!" Kurapika yells so loud everyone inside can hear them. The people look their way and Leorio flips them off causing them to turn away. "Apologize for what? for him spreading his legs wider than he can open his mouth?" Gon says and laughs.. "Not cool Gon". "Leorio back me up!" Kurapika says.

"Yea Gon, it's as clear as day you like Killua. You better fix it before you lose him for good!" Leorio was just talking he honestly was bad at advice..

"'re right" Leorio and Kurapika eyes widened..

"I'll stop by Killua's house" Gon said leaving the table

"Need a ride?" Kurapika asks

"Mm nah I'll walk thanks though"


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