Chapter 15

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-Killua's House

*Gon's POV*

I carry him bridal style. I carry Killua's bloody body an hour until we are at his house. From time to time I look down at him remembering what happened I just want to attack a random person on the street. I won't trust anyone around Killua again. I won't leave Killua alone again. I won't be mean to Killua again.

We finally reached his house and I rub his face a little. "Killua, I need you to open the gate". He pressed his hand on the gate and it opens. I get nervous as I open the doors to his house. As soon we step inside I hear

"Killu you're back?"

"KILLU!" I guess this was his mother

"Who are you?!" she asks me

"I found him he was crawling here some miles back so I carried him" Killua and I already came up with a lie to tell his parents..

"Silvia!!" she calls

A tall, strong man appears and I gulp hard. He is definitely Killua's father he has blue cat shaped eyes and long white hair. He looked petrified when he saw me carrying Killua

"What happened?!" his voice was really deep. I repeated the same thing I told the lady. That's when Killua spoke

"I was attacked unexpected by this boy from my school. After I rode my skateboard I decided to go into the forest to watch the fireflies tree and he attacked me. He had me the first half but I finished him.." Killua was such a good liar..

"I walked as far as I could but my legs gave in and I started to crawl back home, that's when this boy saw me and offered his help."

"His name is Gon and he is my friend now" Killua adds

"Onii-Chan!" This must have been Killua's little sister. I felt so bad she looked so scared and worried.

"I'm okay Alluka" Killua said and patted her head

"Should we call an ambulance?" The woman questioned

"No I'm fine Gon can just patch me up!"

"I'll make a call and have that person handled" "What was their name?" she asks

"Pitou" Killua responds and his mom nods and walks off

Silvia looks at me "Thank you so much for helping my son" "Don't mention it" I said back. Killua directs me to his room. I see some fat kid peeking out his room and closes it when I looked at him.

Once we were in Killua's room I placed him on his bed. His little sister looked at me confused..

"Who are you?" she asks

"I'm Gon" I say smiling but exhausted

"You didn't do this to Onii-Chan did you?"

Before I could respond Killua answered "Alluka, Gon would never hurt me, I got attacked he saved me"

Her eyes start to water up. She hugs me and says sorry. I embrace her back rubbing her hair "I won't let him get hurt ever again" she looks at me and nods

"Alluka I'll come talk to you when I'm healed up. I hate that you have to see me like this" Killua says

She nods and exits closing the door behind her.

"Where's the bandages" I asks "In the bathroom"..

When I go into the bathroom I see already dried up blood on his floor and in his sink. I want to cry. This was because of me.. The blades were sitting on his sink. I flushed them..

I came back out and began to take off Killua's clothes. He looked away I could tell he was embarrassed because of his scars but I didn't mind them I love Killua..I carefully, slowly, removed his shorts then his shirt and his shoes. I start by getting a wet rag and wiping his blood away. I looked at him and he would tense up when I wiped his legs. Afterwards I disinfected and wrapped his legs with the bandages. I did the same with his arm. These we're self inflicted because of me...I started to cry as I cleaned him..

"Gon I'm sorry.."

I wrap his left arm and sat it down. Now it was time for his neck which wasn't bad but still he had bite marks there.. I'm the only person who gets leaves marks on Killua..

"I'm finished Killua" I said calmly. I threw away the bloody tissues and rags, I look through Killua's dresser for some pajamas for him. I dress him again and sit by him.

"Gon I'm sorry, I should be honest because I feel like shit"


"I never even dated Pitou.. I only said we were dating that day because you we're hurting me and I wanted to do it back I'm sorry."

"And I never lost my virginity I swear"

"My heart feels a little better after hearing these things". "I'm glad I really want to be your first" I said

"Plus I remember how tight it was on my fingers so when the time comes I can tell if-"

Killua hits my head and I rub it "Ow" I said pouting

He laughed and so did I

"I'm sorry to Killua, the words I said to you earlier today we're uncalled for and disgusting"

"We don't date so you don't own me any type of loyalty so I apologize.."

"And you're not a 2 or a 10 you're so hot you're not even on the scale.." I add

He starts to laugh at my corny pickup line and tear up "I forgive you" I smile at him.

I stand up and kiss his forehead. "Well feel better soon." "I'll text you okay?" Please stop me.. I don't to leave you Killua...ever

"Wait Gon!" I turn around and look at him "Hmm?" He looks around the room for a moment "Can you stay with me?"

I nod and sit back on Killua's bed "What about your parents?" I ask. He rolls his eyes "What about them?"

"Already being sassy huh?" I said smirking at him

"You shouldn't go to school for the rest of the week until you completely heal up. I don't want nobody else to know about what happened to you" I said

"Yea I agree"

"We can go out when you start feeling better and spend quality time together.." I said "If you want" I added

"Mmhm I'd like that"

"Yay, I'd like for you to meet my aunt Mito, since I've met your parents"

He smiles and nods

I take off my shirt and shorts and lay with Killua in my boxers. He blushes as I get under the covers with him. I can't lie I blush as well. I hold onto him but not to tight. Right now he's so fragile I won't break him.. He turns and lays his head on my chest and wraps his legs around me so I hold him and lay on my back and slowly fall asleep.


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