Chapter 19

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-Coming Out


Gon and Killua walk to Gon's house. Killua offers to ride them on his skateboard but Gon was scared so they walked. They held hands. Killua remembers the three words they said to each other yesterday and it sends a burst of happiness through Killua. Even so, Gon was more happy to have Killua. He's finally found love again and refuses to let him go. The walk is only about 20 minutes. Killua was excited but nervous to meet his aunt Mito. The thought of her not approving of him frightened him. They finally arrive, Killua's heart pounds in his chest. "Ready,Killua?"

*Killua's POV*

We're finally at Gon's house. I didn't realize we lived so close to each other. His house was really nice. It was modern but homey, they had a nice garden and laundry hanging up outside. "Ready,Killua?" he asked me I am.

"Yea let's go" I smile at him. "Wait Gon, should we stop holding hands?" I ask him before he opens up the door. He looks at me and smiles "Nope" he holds my hand tighter.. That made my heart melt.

"Aunt Mito! I'm home!"

He said and closed the door behind us still holding onto me. I look and see a middle aged woman standing next to the sink with an apron on. She looks just like Gon. Only she has orange hair, they definitely have the same eyes.

"Welcome home Gon" her voice was soft and soothing

"And who's this" she said pointing at me. My face turned pink, I looked at the floor.

"This is Killua!"

"H-Hello, nice to meet you" I said and bowed to her

"Nice to meet you Killua"

"Aunt Mito, I want to tell you that I'm dating Killua. I've always felt confused about my sexuality while with Retz, but now I can officially say that.. I-I'm gay" he nervously rubbed the back of his head and looked at her.. I was really happy listening to him but nervous to. I shyly looked at her waiting for her reaction. She took off her apron and walked over to us.

She pinched Gon's cheek. "Stop being so shy" she said squeezing it tighter. "Ouch Ouch Okay!" she let go of him. "So you and Killua are dating?" he nods. She squeals out of happiness and taps her feet a little, she then clears her throat trying to act serious again. "Killua and how do you feel?" I straighten up "Well I feel the exact same way, I've always been gay though" I say.

"He was just a friend at first, but now I-I really like him" I say nervously. She smiles at me and leans down. She pulls Gon and I into a hug. She rubs our backs "I'm really happy for you two". This was the first time an adult has ever hugged me.. I hug her back, it feels good. She pulls away and looks at Gon.

"I like Killua much better than that Retz girl" she says and she stands back up.

I look and Gon and smile, he smiles back at me and gives me a thumbs up. He was so cute it hurts.
"So, Killua will you be staying for dinner?"

"Yes". She puts her apron back on. "Okay, I'll call you two when dinner's ready". "Okay aunt Mito" Gon, shakes my hand and smiles "Come on Killua I'll show you my room" he runs and pulls me with him.

Once we're in Gon's room he lets go of my hand and runs to jump on his bed.

His room was tan and cool inside. He had his window open and the cool air coming inside felt nice. His walls were tan, and his floors were green. He had plants in his room which I found cute. His bed was a nice size and sat right under his window, with a red clock hanging beside it.

"Gon, I love your room!" I say looking around

"It's nothing compared to your room Killua" he laughs.

Gon and I sit on his bed and talk or awhile. I found myself laughing at all his jokes. He tried to ride my skateboard around his room but ends up falling and hitting his head. I laughed at him and kissed his head. He was so clumsy.. After we played around we get called down for dinner.

I could really get use to this. I feel so happy with him.


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