Chapter 23

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-Gon's Truth

*Killua's POV*

Once we were back at Gon's place we immediately crash our lips together. It was 9pm his aunt Mito was asleep. We go into his room and tear each others clothes off without breaking the kiss. I missed this, we haven't had sex in such a long time. Gon moaned into my mouth and I could already feel him getting hard. I lift him up and carry him to the bed..

"Killua, we have to be really quiet". I nod and kiss him again unbuckling his pants.

I wake up with the sun hitting my face. I'm sad today I have to go back home. I look over at Gon and start to reminisce about last night.. I lean in close to him. I want to kiss him. Is that weird? I'm closer to him only a few inches away from his lips, I decided not to but that's when Gon suddenly pulled me to him and kissed me. I smile and return the kiss to him.

"You were fake sleeping?" I said raising an eyebrow

"I been up, you looked so cute sleeping I didn't want to wake you up"

I get up and stretch, I'm still kind of sore from last night. We take a shower together and I borrow some of his clothes.

"I'll drop you off okay?" he said

I nod. We head downstairs to breakfast on the table, I lick my lips it looks and smells so good!

"What's the occasion aunt Mito?" Gon asks

"Well Killua is leaving today.. I'm sad so I cooked him a parting gift." she gestured us to sit and of course we did. We eat until we can't anymore me and Gon end up fighting over the last piece of bacon.

I won it.

"Thanks a lot uh-"

"You can call me aunt Mito Killua" I blush and nod

"Thanks a lot aunt Mito" I say bowing

She hugs me and says "You're welcomed over anytime" she pokes my nose and starts to clean up the table.

"Okay, I'll be back aunt Mito!"

Gon and I waved goodbye and headed to his car. I blush again "Gon I love her so much" I said smiling. He laughs "Me too"

The car ride was silent, I looked over at Gon a couple of times and he just had a sad expression on his face. I understand. We pull up outside of my house and I sigh



I laugh "You can go first"

"I'm going to miss you" he said pouting

"I'll miss you more, look on the bright side we will see each other at school tomorrow"

"Yea you're right" he smiled but I could tell it was fake

I leaned towards him and he leaned in to. We kiss for some time then pull away..Sadly. I really don't want to leave but the longer I stay around the harder it will be to go.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow" I quickly peak him on the lips and get out. I wave at him then press the padlock to unlock the gates.

Gon pulls off and I was sad. I walk inside my house and got instantly annoyed. I go to Alluka's room but she isn't there. I head to my room but hear-

"Kil" I turn around to see my big brother Illumi.

"Yea what's up?" I say impatiently

"You had a fun week I'm guessing?" I nod and think to myself 'Get to the point'.

"You were with that boy?" I glare at him "So what?" He walks over to me and sighs

"You should stay away from him, he isn't as nice as he seems" He walks past me. "Tsk!"

"You don't know him!" I yell

"Oh but I do. I know he's killed someone.."

My eyes widens. How does he know that?

"You know he isn't originally from here, he came here to start a new life." I roll my eyes at him words. "Tell me something I don't know" I said sarcastically

"Okay, did you know he killed his best friend?" He said crossing his arms. My heart was pounding, that's not true.. He told me he killed some creep who attacked aunt Mito..

"He's a total nut case. He's even said some crazy stuff about you."

"You've seen it Kil? did you really kill someone that night or were you covering for him?" He whispered in my ear. I couldn't move, or speak..He rests his hand on my shoulder

"I know his therapist, she was into some stuff before she became one. I guess you could say she wasn't always nice" He lets go of me and walks away. "If you don't believe me ask him yourself". He walks away and holds up his hand waving.

"How does he know Gon has therapy? How does he know Gon killed someone that night..? How does he know Gon isn't from here?" I held my head. It can't be true. Illumi just doesn't want to see me happy that's all.

I go into my room and slam my door. I sit on my bed thinking about his words.. Gon would never do that. Even if he did, is it bad that I would still love him?

As I lay down thinking then I get a text on my phone. It was from Gon.

Gon: I can't wait to see you tomorrow <3

Killua: Same here :)

My heart began to race. I love him so much I don't care what he does...


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