Chapter 9

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-One Month Later (SMUT)


It's been one month ever since Gon and Killua's conversation. Gon still insists on being friends while Killua is slowly giving up on the chances of them being together. Gon still dates Retz, while Killua has been getting closer with a boy named Pitou. When Gon sees Killua walking the halls with Pitou his blood starts to boil and his fist clenches. He slowly starts to get more distant with Retz, he's getting bored of her. Everything about her. Their sex. Their conversations. Their dates. Her looks. Everything.

*Killua's POV*

I walk to class with Pitou. He's actually a really nice guy and I like him. But I still like Gon so much more. As we walk I hear someone call my name

"Killua." I look back and see Gon standing against the lockers. "Pitou, you can go ahead without me I'll catch up!" he nods at me and continues to walk so I walk up to Gon.

"Hey Gon" and the butterflies start to form in my stomach. We haven't talked one on one in awhile. I mean I do sit with them at lunch but it's been weeks since we talked to each other like this.

"Who is that?" He asks in a cold tone

"That's Pitou.." he rolls his eyes and start pacing. I lean against the locker and enjoy the view of Gon stressing. Was he jealous?

"And what's your relationship with him?" he was now standing directly in front of me.

"Why do you want to know?" I said smiling

"Killua!" I jumped. This was the first time I've ever heard him yell..

"Why should I tell you?, we're just friends remember?"

He punched the locker beside my head and I flinch. He then rested his hand on the locker and looked at me.

"Killua, tell me..what's you guys relationship... please?" I felt my heart sink whenever he said please to me.. maybe I should make him jealous I mean he's been making me feel like shit for the past month. I just want to see his reaction.

"We're dating" I mumbled..

"Huh?" he said holding his ear closer to me. Now both of his hands were beside my head while I was up against the locker.

"I-I said we're dating Gon.." I duck under his arms and walk to my class. When I looked back at him he was still standing in the same place.

The bell rang and Gon still wasn't in his seat.

"Today you guys will have 20 minutes to write a poem or short story about whatever you want, you will have to present in front of the class for full credit" Mr.Wing said.

Then Gon walked into the class, he walked past and sat down behind me, Mr.Wing came over and explained today's assignment to him..

I spent about fifteen minutes holding my head thinking about what to write, I couldn't think. Maybe it was a bad idea to tell Gon that.. What if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore? I feel him looking at me again. I turned around and he was looking directly at me.. "What?" I said he didn't say anything he just looked "Instead of looking at me do your work" I say but I looked down to see Gon had already written on his paper so I turned back around

"So, does anyone want to volunteer and present?" Mr.Wing said "I will" I heard Gon and looked at him as he stood up and walked to the front of the class.

He held his paper up, cleared his throat and began to read it..

"Actually If you even consider leaving
I'll lose a couple screws in due time, I'll stop breathing
And you'll see the meaning of stalking
When I pop out the dark to find you
And that new dude that you're seeing with an attitude
Then proceed to fuck up your evening
Make sure you never meet again like god damn vegans
Cause when I hear your name I can not stop cheesing
I love you so much that my heart stops beating when you're leaving
And I'm grieving and my heart starts bleeding
Life without you has no god damn meaning
Sorry I'm passive aggressive for no god damn reason
It's that my mood change like these god damn seasons
I'll fall for you"

He put down his paper and looked at me. "Wow Freecss, that was really good. What were you writing about?" Mr.Wing ask..He put his finger on his chin and looked around the classroom then back at me and said "Nothing special".

Everyone in class was looking at Retz as if he wrote it about her and she was blushing looking at Gon.. but I'm pretty sure-

He walks past to sit down my heart starts to beat really fast, so fast I thought I'd die. All of a sudden Gon leaned up to my ear and whispered "Wait for me after class." I nodded and he sat back down in his seat...

The bell rang so not everyone was able to read their poems. Thank god because I haven't even wrote anything. I walk outside of class and see Gon. I walk beside him and we go into an empty class.

"What is it? We only have two minutes before next class so make it quick" I said

"Did you like my poem? I wrote it just for you" he said smiling at me and I felt my heart skip a beat..

"Did you hear the part I said about you seeing a new guy?"

I stood in silence..

"So are you really seeing someone Killua?" I stay silent

"It would really hurt me if you were.."

"You're with Retz how do you think I feel-"

"Did you hear the part about me falling for you?"

I started to blush uncontrollably so I looked away from him

He grabbed my chin and leaned in to kiss me. I haven't felt his lips in such a long time.. I drop my bag and jump onto him. He catches me and holds me against the door while devouring my mouth. It's like he hasn't eaten in months, our kiss was sloppy and heated. He was carrying me and I was grabbing his hair while my tongue searched inside of his mouth. "Killuaa" he moaned into my mouth. It drove me crazy whenever he said my name like that.. He let me down on my feet and held my neck and grabbed my ass while we kiss.. "Ahh!" I moaned out as I felt Gon's hand slip into my pants.

He started to stroke me through my boxers and I became a blushing mess.. The bell rang.."G-Gon let's go class" I moan again. He grabbed my neck tighter and starts to stroke me faster. I really don't want to cum because we still have 3 classes until the end of the day. I would hate to walk around like this. He choked me a little harder and shoved his tongue deeper into my mouth.. our saliva dripped out our mouths and he started to go slower. He let go of my neck and pulled my pants completely down.. He spit into his hand and touched me again. "Mmm" I moan as places his hand back and began to choke me while stroking me.

I moaned "G-Gon go faster~" he listened and tightened his grip around my neck and stroked me faster and faster.. "A-Ahh fuck..." he smirked and pulled me into another kiss.. my body began to shake uncontrollably "I'm going to cum~" that's when Gon let go of me and got down on his knees "Do it yourself and cum in my mouth" my face lit up at his words and I do exactly that. I start to beat myself faster as I looked down at him while he held his mouth open with his tongue out..That drove me over the edge "Y-Yea I'm cumming~" I came all over Gon's face and mouth.. and let out a loud moan.

As he got up he pulled up my pants and buckled them for me. "I-I'm sorry, I missed.. it got all over your face.." I say as I wiped myself off of him. He laughed and licked his lips.. "It's okay I liked it". He kissed me and licked my lips before grabbing his bag. If I could blush more I would. I looked at the clock "Oh shit we're 10 minutes late for class Gon!" He just laughed and grabbed my hand "Then let's go" as he opens the door. Mr.Morow was standing there with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

Btw Gon's poem is a song called "IFHY" by Tyler The Creator. Listen to it at 2:04 and read Gon's poem for more effect


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