Chapter 6

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-The Talk


It was now Sunday and a day has passed since Gon and Killua's exchange at the party. Gon spent his weekend with Retz while Killua was at home in his room.

"Onii-Chan!" Alluka said hugging him

"Hi Alluka" he said. She looked at him confused for a second and tilted her head. "What's wrong?".

"Why would something be wrong?" she sat next to him and looked closely at his face. His eyes widened and he tried to avoid eye contact with her. "Yup!" she said nodding "Something happened and you're hiding it" she pouted and looked at Killua.

"I-I no..nothing happened"

"Onii-channn!" she dragged until Killua shushed her

"Okay okay!" she smiled and looked at him

"Spill the beans"

"Gon kissed me at the party" he didn't tell his little sister full details for obvious reasons. "Woah really?!" she said excited. "Yea.." Killua looked down

"You don't seem happy about it though"

"Yea, after we kissed I told him I liked him and he left me alone for the rest of the party. I had to get a ride home from someone else" Killua said fighting back his tears

"That jerk!" Alluka was frustrated.

"No Alluka it's my fault I shouldn't  have pushed it onto him like that"..Alluka hit Killua's head and he rubbed it "Ow"

"You need to stop blaming yourself for everything. Even if you did admit your feelings, he had no right to leave you after he brought you there, that was rude and selfish" Alluka said frowning.

Alluka was only 13 but she gave better advice than anyone else Killua has ever met. He smiled and brought her into a tight hug, she hugged him back and Killua started to cry..

"So is it weird for me to still like him?" he asked crying his eyes out

"No..You can't control who you fall for. You can't control how they treat you either Killua. I respect you but this doesn't seem healthy" she said holding him

She wiped Killua's tears and looked at him "Try talking to him."

"I did, he hasn't texted me back" he said with puffy eyes

"No, that never works. You guys need a face to face talk. Just talk about the kiss and ask him what it meant, before you develop more feelings you need to understand how he feels about the situation. Then if it's the right moment talk about how you feel."

Killua sniffs and nods his head. Alluka smiles at him and rubs where she hit him. "You can do it Onii-chan!"

After his talk with Alluka she went downstairs and left Killua. He looked at his phone and saw he still had no text from Gon. Something was different though, this time it said he read them. Which made Killua's heart sink he wanted to cry but refused to.

"I'll see him at school tomorrow. I'll talk to him then" he thought as he laid in bed.

-Sorry for making this chapter so short

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