Chapter 30

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*Killua's POV*

I stare at the ring on my finger. Did Gon come here? I listen to the machines beep over and over. I'm kind of happy I didn't die..The door slides's the doctor.

"Oh you're up!" He said smiling

"Your boyfriend just left" he added

My eyes widen.."Gon?". I take the IV out of my arm and get up..

"Hey Hey! you can't do that" he said blocking my way

"Move! I need to talk to him" I felt dizzy and fell. He laid me back on the hospital bed and reattached my IV.

"You seem fine. I say we get this over with and get you shipped out as soon as possible."


"Yup! soon you'll be transferred to a mental hospital. As long as you behave and show mental health progression the sooner you can get out."

"I don't need that I won't do this again" I said rolling my eyes.

"Too bad it doesn't work that way" he said and sighed

"How long do I stay?"

"Depending on you, but it normally takes 6 months to a year"

A hour passes of psychiatrist and therapist talking to me and asking me questions. Like "Why would I do that?", "How long have I been cutting?", "How did you acquire blades?" blah blah.

I get shipped out tomorrow.. I spent the rest of my day in the hospital with my mom and Alluka by my side. I apologize to Alluka. I find out she's the one who found me and I feel terrible about it.

"Can I talk to Gon before I leave?"

Alluka looks at our mom and I do the same. Anxiously waiting for an answer.. She sighs and agrees. She goes through her bag and hands me my phone.

When I open it I see all the texts Gon sent me and all the miss calls I had by him I felt terrible. I call him and the phone rings for a second..


"H-Hi Gon.."

I start to blush. This was so awkward since my family was literally looking at me while I talked..

"I'm glad you're okay, I stopped by but I had to leave since I wasn't family"

"Thank you, I see the ring and I'm sorry" I started to tear up and Alluka came and held my hand.

My mom twirls her fingers telling me to hurry up..

"Anyway Gon I'm being sent away tomorrow.. I don't know how long I'll be gone." I say crying

"Yea I know.. I didn't think I'd be so soon" His voice cracked

"Well will you wait for me?" I say waiting for an answer

"Of course! but you need to find someone who will treat you better than me."

"Okay..and I'm sorry for saying I hated you. I was upset and it's not true.."

"I forgive you" he laughed a little and so did I

"Okay.. I-I love you.."

"I love you more"

I hang up and wiped the tears from my eyes.

11 months later

That was the last time I heard his voice. I remembered his words this whole time. And luckily the staff members let me keep my ring. I spent my birthday here.. it was July 7th if I wasn't here I would be on summer break with Gon. Anyways I'm 18 now. I ended staying here for 11 months almost a year. I get released tomorrow! and it's perfect timing for school.

My Senior Year..

I can finally see Gon again. I miss him so much. I miss his face.. His lips.. EVERYTHING. I can't wait to see him..

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