Chapter 18

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-Noise Complaint

*Killua's POV*

Me and Gon ended up falling asleep after our heated passionate session. That night will be in my memories forever. I quietly sit up and Gon is snoring and sleeping peacefully. I took a picture of him I couldn't help myself. I look at the time it was 10:15am. Today I will meet Gon's aunt I'm so excited. I decided to get ahead start and to get ready. I'll wake him up when I'm dressed..

I try to stand but feel a sharp pain in my ass. "Fuck it hurts.." I sit back down for a moment. It feels like a cramp but in my ass. I stand again and limp to the bathroom, I run a shower and wait for it to get hot..

"I'm so happy!" I look at myself in the mirror and look at the hickeys on my neck, collarbone, and chest. I ran my fingers over them, reminiscing about last night, my face flushed red. I get into the shower and wash up. As I showered Gon pulled back the curtain.

"Damn it Gon, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" I say covering my body.

He laughed and started to take his clothes off.

"No need to cover yourself Killua, I've already memorized you entire body" he said smiling

"Can I join you?" He stood in front of me naked. I don't think I'll ever get use to seeing him like this.

"Yes you can" I said smiling at him

Gon got in the shower with me, we washed up together. The water running down his body looked soo good. Seeing his abs wet made me hard so I faced the other way so he wouldn't see. "Killua" I looked over my shoulder at him. "Hmm?"

He held my face and kissed me. "You were amazing yesterday" he let go of me and continues to wash up..

"You were the amazing one" I said looking at him up and down.

He smirks at me "Next time you're going to show me how amazing you are.." I gulp hard and nod my head.

After we shower I get dressed while Gon sits on the bed with a towel wrapped around his waist. I toss him some shorts, but again Gon couldn't fit any of my shirts.

"I'll be back, I'm going to find you a shirt."

I leave out my room and creep into my brother Illumi's room. I open his door and look and seen it was empty. I quickly go through his closet and grab a shirt as I turned around Illumi was standing there.

"I-Illumi!" why is everyone scaring me today..

"What are you doing Kil" he crossed his arm and raised his eyebrow at me..

"I needed a shirt for Gon" I said waving his shirt up

"Hmm, mom and dad are really mad at you.."

"For what?"

"Do you not realize how LOUD you guys were last night. I mean I'm happy for you but I couldn't even sleep" he said grinning

"I-I umm" I didn't even know what to say

"So who's top and bottom?"

"WHAT ILLUMI?!" My face turned red this was so embarrassing..

"Just kidding, I can tell by the way you're walking you're the bottom" he said as he sat on his bed

"Whatever I'm leaving, thanks for the shirt" I run out of his room and back into mines

I better avoid my mom and dad.. I wouldn't even know how to explain this to them. I feel shitty and Alluka's room is right next to mines.. I'll apologize later

I walk into my room and Gon was sitting there wearing the shorts I gave him. I hand him the shirt and sit next to him. "I'm so excited" I say

"Me too"

"Gon my siblings and parents heard us last night" I blurt out

His eyes widened and his face turned pink a little.
"Really?" I nod "My brother just told me they're pissed" I laugh "Talk about a bad first impression"

Once Gon is dressed we head downstairs. When I thought we were in the clear we quickly head for the door but my dad stops me "Killua!" I freeze and slowly turn to face him.

"Y-Yea?" He frowns and looks at me. "I know you're a teenager but when you do things like that try to keep it down, be considerate of others in the house"

"Everyone in the house could hear you. Your room is right next to your little sisters for crying out loud"

"I'm sorry dad" I say looking at the ground. This was so fucking awkward.

"And Gon, I thank you for helping my son but that doesn't mean you get to do whatever you guys did"

Gon nervously rubbed the back of his head and avoided eye contact with my dad. I wanted to laugh but he was already pissed.

"I understand sir" Gon said

"Where are you going now Killua?"

"I'm going over to Gon's house" he looked at me for a second. I thought he would ground me or something. "Okay" he sighed and walked away.


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