Chapter 16

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*Killua's POV*

I wake up still wrapped around Gon. He was still sound asleep I couldn't help but to smile at the sight of him. I hold onto him until he wakes up about five minutes later. "Morning" he said kissing my cheek. "Morning". He sat up and stretched

"How do you feel?"

"I feel better. I think I'm fine" I said

"Want to take a bath together?" he said looking away

I didn't mind since he already has seen all my scars why not.. "Yea". He unwrapped all the bandages and threw them away. "I'll be back"

He went into the bathroom and ran a bath and came bath to me. I can now clearly see Gon's six pack and he was so hot..I blush at him "Enjoying the view?" he said smirking. I turn my head away and he laughs

After two minutes he helps me to the bathroom and we both start to undress together. He gets into the bath and I follow behind him. "Killua let me wash you" I nod and sat between his legs with my back facing him. He washes my neck and then my back. I turn around facing him, I couldn't help but blush..

He put more soap on his rag and lift up my arms washes them for me. "Gon, you know I'm not disabled right?" He laughs "Yea I know". He washes my other arm then my chest and my stomach.. I feel like a baby but I like it to be honest..



"The other night..You said you killed someone again"

"Yea I did" he said as he grabbed my leg and carefully washed it. "So you've done that before?" I ask

"Yea, back on Whale Island" he grabs my other leg and slowly washed it. I hesitated for a bit. I want to know who he killed and why.. He grabbed my feet and sat them in his lap and began to wash them..

"What happened?" I said looking at him. He pauses for a second and sighs. "If you don't mind, but I want to know.." He looks at me "I'll tell you"..

"When I was fifteen I made a friend. He was a sketchy guy but he was really nice and easy to talk to. One day I took him to meet my aunt Mito and everything was fine, until my aunt Mito said she didn't approve of the older guy being my friend. He snapped at my aunt and began to hit her."


"At first I was in shock and just stood there, then I grabbed the biggest kitchen knife and stabbed him over and over and over again until I felt like stopping. After that incident we moved here and I got a therapist. I got off the hook since I was underage and was defending my aunt. Turns out that man was some pedophile" He looked up at me..

"Still like me?" he said


"Killua I'll be honest. I've liked you since I first saw you" I didn't know what to say..

He stood up. His dick was just in my face that made me blush so I looked away. He looked down at me and laughed and began to wash himself up.

Afterwards I gave Gon a pair of shorts, he couldn't fit into any of my shirts so he was shirtless. We talked a bit and watched TV. After awhile his phone rang.


"Oh hey Retz!" I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. He looked at me as he talked to her
"Retz we should break up" he said and I looked at him. I could hear screaming coming from the other end and couldn't help but laugh. He hung up his phone.

"I kept my promise Killua" he said smiling

I couldn't stop smiling so I put my face in a pillow

"Tomorrow let's go see my aunt Mito"

"Sounds good" I say with my face still stuffed into the pillow

He laughs for a then calls to me

"Nae Killua~"


"You feel safe around me?. Like you know I've killed two people now.."

I didn't care about that at all. Both times he was saving someone so of course I felt safe.

"Of course I do. It would have been different if you were killing just to kill"

"In both situations you we're saving someone so I think it's okay.." I added

"Yeah but-"

I interrupted him "No buts. I feel safe around you.."

He looked at me and laid his head on my stomach. I held him and placed my chin on his head. "There's no way you would purposely hurt someone. I'd trust you with my life" I thought

"Killua, you will be my boyfriend?"

My heart sunk into my stomach once I heard those words. I've been waiting months for those words. "Yes!" I held him tight "Yes!"

"I'll be the best boyfriend you've ever had" he says

"Gon, I've never had one" I said and laughed

"Well I'll be your first and last best boyfriend" He said rubbing his head against my stomach.

"Yes, I know you will"

"I planned to ask you in a more romantic setting but this is fine too"

He sat up and looked at me. "We will be public, and everyone will know I date you even at school."

My face turned pink. That's all I ever wanted

"Gon! what about Retz. She'll hate me.."

"So?" he said

"If anyone even tries to touch you I'll handle them" he said with a smile


"Kurapika and Leorio will be happy" he added

He was so excited he kept talking..I was so happy my heart was feeling a way I've never felt before. I loved the feeling

"Killua I have our week together planned out already. I spoiled tomorrow but the rest is a secret"

"Okay" I said smiling. I was excited but nervous to meet his aunt Mito.

"I'll be coming out to Mito-San" he muttered and his face grew red

Fuck he was so hot.. I kissed him pulling him over top of me. He kissed me back and ran his fingers through my hair. I grab his back and I wrap my legs around him. "Killua.." I interrupt him by putting my lips back on his and he sinks into my kiss. He rolls over so now I'm on top of him. I start blushing like crazy..I could feel my heart pounding.

"Gon I think I'm ready." I say looking down at him

"You sure?"

I nod at him and leaned back down to kiss him more.

He pulls away "But you're like injured Killua.."

"I feel perfect. I want it Gon, I'm okay."

He nods and kisses me again..

-I honestly don't know who should be top or bottom T_T


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