Chapter 14

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*Killua's POV*

Pfft to think I was actually going to throw my razors away. I walk inside and see my brother Kalluto he tries to talk to me but I was to pissed to speak to anyone. I storm into my room,slam my door and go straight into my bathroom. This time I don't cry I felt immune to Gon hurting me.. He makes me feel good then hurts me, then makes it up, then hurts me again and I fall for it every time. He doesn't like me. He likes the idea of me.. I grab my blade from behind the bathroom mirror.

I take off my hoodie and held out the arm that Gon kissed all over and viciously sliced my arm up. Deep cuts.. I started to feel relieved as the blood dripped on the floor. I felt nothing, I cut my arm until all the healing wound were open again. I cut my arm until I covered all the places Gon's lips touched. I cut my arm until I started to feel sleepy..Then a faint voice ran through my head it was Gon's.

"Whenever you feel sad or want to hurt yourself just call me we can come here together, whenever you want." I start to cry remembering his words..

Fuck my arms hurts so bad. That was the downside about cutting once you're in the moment of cutting you feel nothing but once it's over you're stuck with the ache, the burning sensation of your skin sliced up. My blood dripped and I watched it, I decided to run my arm under the sink it hurt so bad when the water touched. I wrapped up my arm and grabbed my skateboard..

I walk downstairs "Where are you going Killua?" a deep voice says behind me it was my dad.. "I'm going out" I run to catch speed then hop onto my skateboard. After about thirty minutes I reach the same place Gon took me too.

Gon: Killua where are you?

This fuckboy. I read his message without texting back a little payback.. I laugh a little.. I try my best to remember the way Gon lead me when he brought me here the first time. Finally I reach the tree it's 7pm, last time they all came out at 8. I lay in the grass and look up at the empty sky.. "Why aren't there stars anymore?" I wonder.. that's when I hear some footsteps approaching I quickly sit up to see Pitou..

"W-What are you doing here?" I ask

"What are you doing here? I thought I was the only person who knew about this spot.." he said

I laugh "no apparently not.." he sat down beside me and looked at the tree. "So you're waiting for them too?" he asks I nod..

"What's wrong, if you don't mind me asking?"

I debate on opening up to him but I do. "It's about my friend Gon well I don't know what we are"

I pour my heart out to him doing so passes 40 minutes.. They will be here soon I thought.

"You deserve so much better than that Killua." I looked at him in shock. "I know I haven't known you long but I know you're a sweet guy" he blushed a little..

"T-Thanks alot.."

Gon: Killuaa I found you and I'm on my way to you..

I roll my eyes and ignored him again.. "Let me guess that was him" Pitou said and I nod

"Leave him in the past you can do better" he said and slid closer to me..

I laugh nervously all of a sudden he was leaning in to kiss me.. I kiss him and we lock lips for a minute.. I quickly pulled away from him. I didn't feel anything it wasn't the same like when Gon and I kiss.

"Sorry if I gave off the wrong message I can't do that. I still like Gon a little.."

Pitou looked at me for a second then next thing I know he hit me. It happened really fast. He sat on top of me and pinned my arms down.. He was gripping my arms really hard and it hurt so bad

"Ow my arm!" I scream at him "Let go of me-" at that moment he pressed his lips against mines. What the fuck... he pulled away and put more weight down on my arms causing me to scream louder... It hurts so bad

He started to bite my neck painfully, it's like he wasn't even trying to make it feel good. He wanted to inflict pain on me.. He used one hand to hold my arms down and the other to pull down my pants..

*Gon's POV*

I knew Killua would be here. Since I told him about this spot he'll be more comfortable here than at home. Since I don't have access to his home this is perfect for me. I pick up his skateboard and walk towards the tree.. But I hear..

"Killua!" I dropped his skateboard and ran towards his screams and that's when I saw it. Pitou was on top of Killua one hands holding him down the other scratching his legs and thighs.. His head was on Killua's neck and Killua screamed again.


That's when my vision went blank...

*Killua's POV*

One moment was painful as I felt my legs getting cut, my arms being pressed down, and my neck being bitten. Pain. The next I felt nothing, no weight was on top of me anymore I sat up and saw him. Gon was standing over top of Pitou, pounding Pitou's head over and over and over and over and over again with a rock. I was speechless and couldn't do anything but watch. Gon threw the rock aside and started to twist his already dead head off of his neck. I watched as he quickly snatched it off and stood facing me.. I was scared he was bloody, and his eyes looked so cold. He looked like an he just wanted to kill, he held Pitou's decapitated head in his left hand and stared at me..

like he just wanted to kill, he held Pitou's decapitated head in his left hand and stared at me

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"Killuaa.." he said looking at me. I was so scared I couldn't respond he dropped Pitou's head and ran over to me and hugged me. He was crying like I've never heard before.. He was crying really loud and held me tight. My hands were shaking as I grabbed him and hugged him back looking over his shoulder at Pitou's dead body.

"Killua! I'm so sorry!" He said crying hysterically, I started to cry hearing him apologize to me.. I stopped shaking and held him tight. "No it's okay". He looked at me with tears in his eyes, they were back to normal and he put his forehead against mines. "Killua I let you get hurt..". He looked at my neck, arm, and legs and I could see him sink into rage again. He got up and grabbed the rock and started to smash Pitou's head over and over and over..

"Gon stop!" I ran up and hugged him from behind. He dropped it and just stood silent mumbling something to himself..

"I let Killua get hurt. I let Killua get hurt. I let Killua get hurt FUCK!" he grabbed his head and sat on the ground and started rocking back and forth.. "I'm going to jail, I'll loose my Killua.." he gripped his hair so tight he could have pulled out his hair..

"No no no, I can't lose Killua. But I don't deserve him I let him get hurt. I'll lose him anyway I killed someone again..I'm going to jail..I'll lose Killua when I'm gone" he kept saying the same thing again to himself and I sat down with him and hugged him..

"Gon you won't go to jail. I promise" he looked at me with those big eyes. They were puffy and red from all the crying.

"I pinky swear" I said to him.. "My family.. we're really respected and rich. I can call my dad and tell him I got attacked so I killed someone they'll have it cleaned up and a valid backstory ready to go" I took his hands off of his head and held them in mines..

"It's okay Gon, you saved me so I'll save you"

-My second favorite Chapter 🧎🏻‍♀️


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