Chapter 7

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*Killua's POV*

I wake up earlier than usual. That's because I planned on talking to Gon before we got to school. I take a shower and put on a hoodie to hide the healing scars on my arm. It was 7:00am I wait on the path Gon and I always come across each other. I was pacing back and forth planning on what I would say when I saw him. Fuck I was so nervous.. It was now 8:00 and Gon still hasn't showed up.. I decide to just go to school.

I was late to first period after waiting for Gon. I quickly slide the door open panting. "You're late Mr.Zoldyck, take your seat."Mr.Wing said. I nodded and headed to my seat and there he was. Gon was sitting there texting on his phone he didn't even notice me walk into the classroom. I took my seat which was in front of him and started my work. Once again I could feel him looking at me.. I slightly turned around and he looked down at his paper

"Hey Gon, can we talk later?" I asked my heart was pounding he looked so cute today..

"Yea sure, when?" my eyes lit up at his words. My heart started to hurt less. I was kind of happy.

"At lunch?" He nodded and I turned back around. I was smiling.

He said yes I started quickly did my work waiting for class to be over. Once the bell rang I kind of wanted walk to my next class with Gon since we had the same class. But before I could ask Retz grabbed his arm and kissed him. I don't know why but every time they touched I could feel a pain in my chest. So I walked to class alone, he entered some minutes later and sat in front of me.

I looked at him while tapping my pencil on my desk

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I looked at him while tapping my pencil on my desk. A little blush started to cover my face. I started to remember our heated moment in the bathroom that night at the party. I understand that we were drunk but I couldn't help but to question why me? Out of all people Gon chose me...It was driving me crazy, I want him to look at me and kiss me again. For fuck sakes I let him finger my-

"Killua?" I snap out of my thoughts and notice Gon fully turned around looking at me.

"Y-Yes?" I stutter my words..

"I was thinking and can we forget about what happened at the party?" He said whispering to me.

I wanted to say no so bad. But for some reason I played along why? Why am I such a fuck up..

"Y-Yea I was wondering the same thing" He smiled at my words and turned back around

If Alluka could hear me right now she'd hit me right in my face.. I face palmed myself.

Class flew by and it was finally time for lunch. Me and Gon still was going to talk but what could I talk about? I played along with his stupid request earlier because it's what he wanted. I entered the cafeteria looking around for him I see all of our friends at the table but he wasn't there. I walk around the halls and feel someone grab my arm. I get pulled into an empty classroom and it was Gon.

*Gon's POV*

I see Killua walking around looking for me I guess. He's so adorable, when he walks past me unnoticed I pull him into the class I was in.

"What the-"

"Killua it's me" I said laughing. I looked at him and watched his face slowly turn pink.. I was still holding onto his hand so I quickly let go and laughed nervously

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked. He pointed his pointer together (👉🏻👈🏻) and looked down at the floor. I blush at his cuteness.

"Well about the night at the party.. You just left me there. I texted you and you never responded" he said

"Killua, I'm sorry..I was going to text you back when I saw your messages but my phone died"

"No no it's okay I understand. I was just worried" I smiled at him. I felt bad for lying to Killua but I didn't want to tell him I left with Retz I would feel like shit.

"Remember when I said we should forget what happened?"

He nodded his head and looked at me. I got closer to him and closer. He started to blush even more than before

"W-What about it?" he said avoiding eye contact

"Well it was a mistake. I was drunk"


"I search for something I'm missing then disappear when I'm bored." Killua faced turned sad when I said those words

"Trust me I wasn't bored of you. It was just a drunken mistake." I cupped Killua's face and made him look at me

As I looked at him I could tell he was about to cry so I put my lips against his. Now that I'm sober I can actually feel and taste him correctly. He pulled away from me though..

"What's wrong?" I said

"What does this mean to you?" he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes and I just wanted to kiss him more

"I don't know yet"

"What does it mean to you?" I asked

"It means everything to me" he said. I was confused by what he meant. Instead of asking I just kissed him again passionately. I lick his lips and he opened his mouth for me. I licked every spot in his mouth, he moaned into our kiss and was blushing like crazy. After a few minutes I pull away for air..

He was breathing heavy and so was I. "Killua we should join everyone else at lunch" he grabbed his bag "Yea let's go". Before we reach the cafeteria Killua pulls my sleeve

"So what does this make u-us?" he said

I smiled at him he was so adorable "Killua you'll be my friend no matter what" I waited for his response but it was nothing



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