Chapter 5

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-Text Me (TW: Self Harm) ( TINY SMUT)

*Killua's POV*

As I walk home tears begin pouring out, still I didn't know why. Maybe because he left me like that. I held onto my head as it began to pound.

"I knew I should have brought my skateboard" As I walked I hear a car pull up next to me.

"Killua I know you're not walking home, get in!"

It was Kurapika and Leorio. I nod and get inside, I'm happy I didn't really want to walk an hour to get home.


"Don't mention it, so you wanna tell me why you're walking home?" Kurapika said

"I lost Gon at the party and my head is killing me"

"Mhmm"he said


"That's all that happened?" Leorio said smirking at me

I rolled my eyes and told them my address. We talk the whole drive and they made me feel somewhat better, but still I couldn't help but to think about Gon. My phone buzzed and I immediately look at my phone

Kikyo: Killu, where are you?

It was just my mom..I rolled my eyes

Killua: I'm on my way now.

I put my head on the window and silently cried in the backseat. I mean I know I just met him but I can't control how I feel.. I wipe my eyes as we pull up to my house.

I hug Kurapika and Leorio from the backseat. "Thanks alot, I'll see you on Monday".

I got out and entered my house. It was 11pm so I couldn't talk to Alluka right now, she was sleep. I went into my room and locked the door. Once I was alone I started to sob at the feeling of Gon's hands touching all over my body and my lips. I felt ashamed of myself. The feeling of his hands exploring my body, touching places I've never been touched and kissing me so passionately.. Why would he do that..? I went into the bathroom and grabbed my blade and began to cut myself.. I cried as the blades sliced through my skin.. At this point I was immune to the pain. The more I thought about him touching me the deeper I cut into my skin..

"Why are you crying over a boy you just met?".. "Look at you..hurting yourself for someone who could careless about you!" No you're wrong.. Gon thought I didn't want it...don't blame him.. "He was drunk it was a mistake" Shut up you don't know.. I looked at the blood dripping from my arms..I put down the blade and ran a hot shower and got in, the water burned as it hit the recent cuts on my arms, I watched as the blood mixed with the water and went down the drain. I put my head against the wall and let the water soak my hair and run down my back.

Afterwards I grabbed my phone looking at the last text I sent Gon. My fingers hesitated over the keyboard.. I was debating on texting him. It didn't say he read it or anything so I finally decided to text him again.

Killua: I made it home, are you home? I'm worried. Text me or something goodnight.

"You're so desperate".. I held my head and began to rock on my bed.. Why isn't he texting me back? I stare up at my ceiling and begin to fall asleep

    *Gon's POV*

"G-Gon I like you.." My eyes widened at Killua's words. I let go of him and started to get dressed again. What the fuck am I doing here with him. I apologize to Killua and leave out of the bathroom. I walk around looking for Retz and see her dancing I couldn't help but to smile at the sight of her, wearing that dress that I just want to take off.. I approach her and talk in her ear

"Babe! where did you go" she asks me

"Nevermind that let's get out of here!" I smiled at her

I grab her hand leading her out the party. That's when my phone started to vibrate in my pocket I looked at it and saw it was from Killua.

Killua: Hey Gon, where are you?

Retz held my face from my phone and started to kiss on my neck, so I put my phone down and we headed to my car. Once outside we make out for awhile and I was started to get turned on again. "Gon!" I looked up and saw Zushi.

"Hey Zushi, you just getting here?"

"Yeah you?"

"No I'm leaving" I said looking at Retz. Zushi raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Have fun you two" he winked and headed towards the house. I started up the car and began to drive back to Retz house, she unbuckled my pants and started to play with me while I drove.  "Oh, you already hard babe.." I nervously smile at her "Yea.."

Killua: I tried looking for you. My head really hurts. Drop me off home?

I felt my phone go off in my pocket but ignored it. I was trying not to crash while Retz pleasured me while I drove home..Once we were at her house we immediately went into her room and started to undress each other. She said she was annoyed because it was the second time my phone went off since we left the party, I went to check and it was another message from Killua

Killua: I made it home, are you home? I'm worried. Text me or something goodnight.

I was going to text him back but was interrupted by Retz hugging me from behind. I smirked at her and turned my phone off to avoid any more interruptions. We played around with each other for a while.

I pinned her down to the bed and kissed her. After some foreplay I quickly put on a condom and enter inside of her. I moaned at the feeling and started to aggressively fuck her.. She scratched on my back and was moaning as the bed squeaked louder and louder.. It wasn't long before I finished inside of her. I laid down beside her..

It was now morning and I looked over to see Retz still sleeping. I smiled and carefully got up to not wake her, I went into the bathroom and ran a shower to prepare for the rest of the day.


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