Chapter 17

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-Heat Of The Moment Confession (SMUT)


Gon smiled at proceed to get back on top of him. He carefully pulls off Killua's shorts and his shirt. Gon admires Killua's naked body causing Killua's face to glow red. Gon leans down kissing from his legs, to his stomach to his chest,then his neck. He reaches his mouth and kisses him slowly and passionately. He opens his mouth for Gon and moans into their kiss. "Killua are you sure?" Gon asks him again. "Yes I'm positive".Gon slides off his shorts and starts to get Killua prepared.

Gon sucks two of his fingers then leans closer to Killua. "I'm putting one in Killua" he nods. Gon holds Killua's head and kisses him as he slowly presses one of his fingers into Killua and smiles because it's still the same as the first time he did it.

Killua moans as Gon enters him and slowly pumps his finger inside of him. "T-That feels good~" Killua moans. Gon puts the other one inside causing Killua to moan really loud. Gon fingers Killua fast and slides his tongue into Killua's mouth... "Gon.."

Killua moaned into his mouth which was an erotic sound to Gon's ears. He looks at Killua and pulls out his fingers and grabs his dick getting ready to put it inside of Killua.

*Gon's POV*

I lay him on his back and hover over top of him. "Killua I'm going in, okay?" he bites down on his lip and nods. Before I do I spit into my hand and rub myself. I line up with Killua and slowly press into him. Killua moans really loud and tightly grabs my back. It's so tight I think I'm going to cum.. I can't yet. I slowly push another inch of myself inside of him and moan at the feeling.. "Fuck..You're so tight Killua" he blushes and hides his face between my neck and shoulder..

Right now only my tip is inside..I push another inch inside of him he flinches and grabs me tighter. I press my hands against the headboard of his bed. I slowly thrust until he opens up more. "G-Gon!" he moans as I fuck him. I feel his nails sink into my back but I don't mind. "Killua.." I moan as I start to fuck him faster.. "You feel so good~" I say panting

I slowly push myself completely inside of him, and he yells out then covers his mouth. I stop "Does it hurt?" he looks at me "Y-Yea..but feels good" he says shyly. I lean down and press my lips against his and I pump my hips fucking him a little faster than before. I try to be as gentle with him as I can. I slide my tongue into his mouth and feel his tongue vibrate as he moans into my mouth.

I can feel him shaking in my hands..I slow down for a second then pick the pace back up again. "Mmm" I look down at his red flushed face..I want to fuck Killua hard and aggressive but remember he is still in pain from what happened to him. I slow down and thrust deeply inside of him while kissing on his neck. He moans in different way I've never heard before. "You like that?" I ask pressing deep in him again. "Y-Yea I love it!" he moans while his nails dig deeper into my back.

I hold Killua's legs back and repeatedly slam my body against his. "Gon! Ah Fuck!~" his moans were driving me crazy. I continue to slam my body against his.. I let go of his legs and sit up to watch my dick slide in and out of him.. I look back at Killua, he was tightly gripping his covers and his eyes were rolling back..His face was tomato red, and his tongue was hanging out his mouth..Fuck..."Killua I love you so much.." I say sweating and panting. "I-I love you too" he moaned to me.. I smiled and fucked him fast and hard. The room fills with our moans and clapping noises from our bodies slamming together..

"Gon, I'm cumming!" he moans and screams. I dig deeper in him and go bit faster and I feel Killua's body shake, he then cums all over my chest and stomach "Oh fuck!..~" he moans as he releases all over me. I smile at him and kiss him again. I felt my dick throbbing inside of him I was about to cum as well. I pressed my body hard against his and he moans. I cum deep inside of him.

"Killua you're great.." I slowly pull out of him and we both moan at the feeling.. I kiss his lips. I lay down beside him panting.

That was the best sex I've ever had. My face turns pink. That was so amazing..

I look over at Killua, his face was red and he's still breathing heavy. His legs were still shaking. I couldn't help but to smile.


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