Chapter 28

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-The End (TW: Suicide, Self Harm)


Killua has gone into despair. He is currently in his bathroom hovering a blade over his wrist. No thoughts just action. Killua tears drips down from his eyes. He puts the blade down and texts Gon.

Killua: I know you want to me leave you alone. I just want to say my final goodbye. Thanks for everything.

Killua sends his message and sits his phone down. He runs a warm bath and gets inside even with his clothes on. He cried thinking about all the fun he's had with Gon. How completed and happy he felt. He smiles.

At last.. Killua grabs his blade and takes a deep breath in. As he breathes out he deeply cuts vertically down his arm. Blood. He put the blade in his other hand. His arm shakes as the blood pours out into the bath with him. He presses the blade deep into his right arm and slowly drags his hand down. Blurry vision. He sits his head back and closes his eyes. "I'm sorry Gon" is the only thought he had.

Killua's phone vibrates multiple times. "I wonder if that's Gon.." he says slowly. He tries to get out of the tub to see but is too weak. "I don't want to go anymore" He says crying. He tries to get up but fails. "I want to stay here with Gon" He tries again and fails....He sits back down and begins to drift off. The water is now a dark red. And his arms are producing less blood...

*Alluka's POV*

"Onii-chan you okay?" I knock on his door no answer.

"I'm coming in!" I slowly open the door and enter his room. He isn't here but I thought I heard him talking. As I was leaving out of his room I could hear Onii-chan's phone buzzing.

I knock on his bathroom door. "Onii-chan?!". Still no response.

"Excuse me! I'm coming in!" When I opened the door my heart stopped. Big brother was bleeding and had his eyes closed.. I ran over to him. He was cold and his arms were bleeding.

"ONII-CHAN" I scream so loud everyone in the house could hear me. Big brothers phone was still ringing. It read "Gon" with heart symbols. I answered it..



"Onii-chan is hurt really bad and he won't move!" I said crying shaking him.


"I'm going to call the police!"

My mom and dad entered. My mom screamed at the sight while father shook there in shock. In about 30 seconds a ambulance is here. They lift his and place him on a stretcher.

Onii-Chan phone rings again.


"Alluka..which hospital?"

*Time Skip Gon's POV*

My hearts pounding as I run inside the hospital. I know exactly where they are thanks to Alluka. I arrive. Kikyo and Alluka are sitting outside of his room. I run up to them panting.

"Is Killua-"

"He's fine" I hear a unfamiliar voice behind me.

I turn around and it was a man. He was the doctor.

"Yes, he's okay. If you would've found him any later I'm not sure"

I feel a heavy weight lift off of me.. I sigh.

"Can I see him?" he nods and I look back at his family. His mom gestures me to go ahead and I nod.

My heart breaks at the sight of him. He's laying down wrapped up in bandages, he has a ventilator to help with breathing on his face and..the sound of the machines beeping. The IV attached to his arm..I hold his hand and sit next to him..

"Killua I'm sorry.." I fought back my tears but ended up losing. I started to cry "This isn't either of our fault.. It was your dumb brother. He..He.."

I wipe my face and breathe in. I slip our promise ring back on Killua's finger and kisses him.

After a few minutes the doctor enters the room. He tells me visiting hours are over. And only family could see him from now on. I wipe my eyes and nod.

"So when will Killua get out ?" I ask hoping for an answer

He looks at me and raised his eyebrow "What's your relationship with this boy?".

"I'm his boyfriend" not anymore but still.. "Since he is a minor and tried to kill himself he will be sent to a mental hospital.."

"You might not see him for awhile" he adds

"Oh.." I walk back over to him and kiss his forehead.. "Goodbye Killua, I love you so much."


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