Chapter 8

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*Gon's POV*

Killua turned around and stormed away from me. What's up with him? I chase after him and grab his hand. "Killua what's your problem?" he snatched his hand away from me and raised his voice a little "What's my problem? You can't just kiss me and say we're just friends!" I cover his mouth. "Stop yelling" I grab his hand and lead him into a empty corner of the school.

"Why can't we be friends?"

"Because I like you and you just kissing me without any meaning hurts" his voice cracked as he talked to me

"Killua I'm sorry, I feel attracted to you. I mean I think so but I like Retz. I'm confused.."

"You're confused, so you're using me to figure yourself out?" he said


Killua didn't say anything, he just crossed his arms looking at me. "Killua talk to me" I said holding his face. "I like you" he said. "I know, I think I like you too". He rolled his eyes at my words "Think?" I nod at him "Just give me time Killua, I need to figure out how I feel and what I want". Once again he stands in silence tapping his foot against the ground "Please?" I ask him. "Fine" he sighs

I grab him and kiss him again, I couldn't help it.

His face turned tomato red

"You're so cute when you're flustered"

"Idiot! I'm not flustered" he crossed his arms and looked the other way

"You sure?" I said smirking getting closer to him. He backs up and his back hits the wall. "Nowhere to run"

Killua punches my arm "Hey!" I say pouting at him.
"That wasn't nice Killua"... "Cry about it" he stuck his tongue out at me. "Oh yeah?"

I grab Killua's hands and pin them over his head. "Say sorry" I said smiling. "No" I kiss his neck and he shivers.. "Killuaa say it" he just looks at me blushing.. I suck on his neck and he let's out a little moan.. "G-Gon we're in school"

"I know, I'll let go when you say it"

I left a trail of hickeys on Killua's neck. "I want to do you right here Killua.." he gasps "W-What?" I laugh at him

"I'm just kidding, unless.." I turn him around and started to unbuckle my pants

"There you guys are!"

Fuck.. I jump back from Killua and rub the back of my head nervously. It was Leorio and Kurapika..

"Well well well" Leorio said

I looked over at Killua he was blushing and trying to covers the hickeys on his neck. "So what's going on here?" Kurapika asks

"W-Well I was just kissing Killua.."

"That's all?" Leorio said eyeing my zipper

"Oops" I say as I fix my pants

"I knew it!" Kurapika says

"You're gay aren't you?" My eyes widened at the question

"What!? No!" I looked at Killua for a moment

"Well maybe.. I don't know"

"Awww" Leorio said smirking

He wrapped his arm around Killua's neck and pulled down his hood revealing the hickeys I left behind. "You know these are dangerous" Killua blushed and put his hood back on "Shutup Idiot!" I laughed at them

"Gon what are you going go do about Retz?" Kurapika asked me. I honestly didn't know what to say.. "Nothing for now" I looked at Killua and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Well you can't be messing around with Killua and still be with Retz. That's not right" he said

"I know, I'm going to figure things out" At that moment the bell rang

"Guys don't tell Retz about this please" I said

"What? why would we" Leorio laughed. He put his arms around Kurapika and they walked off leaving me and Killua alone again. "I can walk you to class" he nodded and we began to walk.

*Killua's POV*

I smiled as Gon walked me to class. I was so happy, why you ask? Well because he said he liked me and he kissed me and he told his friends that he might be gay! I want to scream and run around but I'll play cool until I get home. We get to my class and Gon looks at me "I'll walk you home after school okay?" "Yea.." He looked around and kissed my forehead when nobody was looking. I blush a bit. "Wait for me outside of school!" he ran off waving at me.

He was making my heart melt more and more everyday. I can't wait until after school. I can't wait. until I get home so I can tell Alluka her advice really helped me. So far today has been my favorite at school. Mr.Morow enters class and begins his lecture, he teaches sexual education. Like about our bodies and sexual activity. My mind couldn't help but reminisce about Gon touching me again. I begin to blush uncontrollably and get turned on a little bit.

The bell finally rings, I brag my bag and quickly turn in my work so I can wait outside for Gon. On the way I bump into this boy. I fall down and he extends his hand out to me, I take it.

"Sorry" I said as he lifts me up. "No that was all my fault" he said and smiled. "Well thanks I should get going"... "Wait!" he yelled. I looked at him "What's your name?" he asks "Killua" "I'm Pitou". I waved at him as I ran outside. A few minutes later and Gon emerged from the school.

"Killuaaa!" I loved when he dragged my name like that. "Gon!"

He frowned as he walked up to me. "What's wrong?"

"I can't walk you home today, I'm sorry" he said

"It's okay" he hugs me and kiss my lips before Retz comes out the building and walks over to us. "Hey Killua" she said locking her hands with Gon's. Of course I gave her a fake smile "I'll text you Killua" Gon said as him and Retz walked off together.

I sighed and rolled my eyes as they walk ahead of me. Why do I have to be a secret Gon? It's not the greatest feeling ever..

Once I'm home I look for Alluka. "Kil" I hear coming from behind me "Oh hey Illumi" I say. My big brother Illumi was also gay like me, he actually was dating my teacher Mr.Morow from earlier. "How was school?" he said flipping his hair. "It was school, where's Alluka?" I say looking around

"He's up in his room" Illumi says

"You mean SHE'S up in HER room" I roll my eyes and run up to Alluka's room

"Alluka!" I open her door and jump on her bed

"Onii-chan!" She came over and sat next to me. "You seem a lot happier today". I scream into a pillow and kick my feet back and forth on her bed. "Alluka today was so great!" she hugged me. "I knew you could do it!"

I tell her about how Gon wanted to act like it never happened. Then about how he said he liked me but was confused. I even told her that he kissed me a lot while we were in school. I blush as I tell her everything that happened today

"Wow" she said with her eyes widened

"Can I see?" she asks. I pulled my hoodie down revealing the hickeys Gon left me.

"Woahh" she looked amazed and pokes one

"Ow Alluka" I said laughing. She laughs and hugs me again. "I'm happy for you Onii-chan". I smile and hug her back. I decided to leave out the part about his friends catching us kiss that was just to embarrassing...


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