Chapter 27

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While everyone's enjoying lunch Killua is lost in his thoughts. He's wondering where he went wrong. He thought they were perfect. He wants to cry but fights it.

"You okay Killua?" Leorio asks

Killua nods and looks down at the table.

A few minutes later Kurapika gasps looking at his phone. All of a sudden everyone's phone in the cafeteria is going off including Killua's. He is getting looks from everyone in the cafeteria even from Leorio and Kurapika.

He opens his phone and see's a video attachment

"Killua-" Kurapika says

He presses play and feels his heart break in two. It was a video of Gon and Palm hooking up in the janitors closet. He tightly held onto his phone while watching Palm kiss Gon all over. He stands up and shoves his phone into his pocket. He quickly grabs his bag and storms out the cafeteria.

*Killua's POV*

Stupid! FUCK! why am I surprised. He always does this shit! I was leaving school I'm so done. I end up running into Retz. I want to hit her so bad

"Killua! Gon is over there looking for you"

She pointed to the gym. I bump her and walked into the gym and saw Gon with Palm.

"Killua-" I cut him off by slapping him. I hit him again and again while tears ran down my face. He grabbed my hands and held them tight.

Palm tiptoed away, she's lucky she did that.

"Killua let me explain!"

I snatch my hands away from him. "Don't touch me you're disgusting!" I rip off the ring he gave me and threw it.

"I hate you!" I yelled to him

"Killua stop"

What? Is he really that dense?

I walk towards him and try to hit him again but he dodges.

"Killua..let me explain" I was tired so tired of him treating me so good then bad the next.

"I don't want to be with you Gon" I said crying

He gasped then went silent. His eyes were dark, he looked at me and said. "I feel the same way Killua."

I quickly look at him, if my heart could break more it would.

"I know you hate me but I don't hate you I never will. But I don't want to be with you anymore.." He picked up the ring I threw and walked away..

"G-Gon wait!" I tried to grab his hand but he snatches it away.

"Killua, do me a favor and leave me alone" He said in a cold tone and walked out of the gym. And students were surrounded the door watching everything.

I lost him.. I think it's real this time. I don't think I can handle this. I shouldn't have said that. I should have listened to his side. I-

That's it. It's decided.

I leave out of school crying my eyes out. I walk home clenching my chest because it hurts so bad. I want that ring he gave me. I want to go with it. I'm so dumb..

I don't care if this is the end. (Gon reference🌚)


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