Chapter 3

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Ever since Monday the day Gon and Killua met they have been getting closer. Killua even started to hang out with Leorio and Kurapika more. He found himself laughing a lot lately which was something new to him. He often found himself jealous of Gon and Retz but he tries to convince himself that he should be happy for his two friends.

It was now lunch they have one more class until the end of the day. Killua sits at the table with Gon, Retz, Zushi, Kite, Kurapika, and Leorio. Everyone was talking about how excited they were for the party that was happening later everyone except Killua.

"So what time is everyone coming?" Gon asked

Leorio said him and Kurapika were showing up together at 8pm

Kite said he's going to come whenever his parents fall asleep

Zushi looked at Killua and he shrugged. Meanwhile Killua was looking at Gon

Retz held onto to Gon and said they were showing up at 8pm as well

"I guess I will too" Killua thought

*Time Skip Gon's POV*

It was the end of the day, we all rushed home to get ready for tonight. I kissed Retz goodbye and told her to text me when she was dressed I would pick her up. As I left out of the school I saw Killua.

"Killua!" I called out to him

He stopped and pulled his earbuds out his ears

"Hey!" I say as I caught up with him

"You walk this way too?"

"Yea" he said spinning his earphones

"Oh cool"

"Are you excited for tonight?"


"Me too, I can't wait to see what you wear"


"I mean you dress so nice to school, I can only imagine what you wear outside of it" I said smiling

I imagine you wearing nothing at all too..

"I literally wear hoodies and jeans Gon" he laughed a little

"Yea I think you look good" I said

Killua started to blush and I found that cute.

"There you go burning up.."

"Need me to check your temperature again Killua..?"

His eyes widened and I tried not to smile. I knew how to get Killua flustered and I loved it..

"N-No idiot" he turned his face away

"You're so embarrassing, don't say stuff like that"

I laughed and Killua did too eventually.

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