Chapter 20

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-Star Gazing

*After Dinner/Narrator*

"Killua, stay the night?" Gon asks pointing his fingers together. "Okay" he says smiling. Gon stands from the dinner table."I want to show you this place, let's go get some snacks and go" "Okay" Killua nods.

"Don't stay out to late" Mito says. "Okay!"

Killua grabs his skateboard and they go outside. He tells Gon to hop on, he hesitates for a moment then does so. He stands on the back of Killua's skateboard holding onto his waist tightly. Killua holds Gon's arms and takes them to the nearest store.

Gon gets juices and soda while Killua grabs a bunch of chocolate robots. Gon puts the bags with their snacks on his arms and gets back on Killua's skateboard, he directs Killua to their next destination. The night breeze feels nice on their faces as Killua speeds through the streets.

After some minutes they reach some woods.

"What's up with you and the woods" Killua says looking at him..

"It reminds me of home." He says and grabs Killua's hand. They walk through the woods, surrounded by the nature Gon smiles and takes in this moment. They finally reach this beautiful spot. It's a stream of water and rocks everywhere. Gon sits their snacks down and starts to grab sticks and leafs to start a fire. Killua sits on the rock that sits above the water. The sky was filled with stars that hypnotized him.

Gon sets the fire up in front of them. He throws a match he brought from the store onto the sticks.

"You really know all the good spots" Killua says

Gon sticks his tongue out at Killua and sits next to him. "Nature is beautiful isn't it Killua?" "Yea.."

"Back on Whale Island, I always would go and look at the stars when I felt lonely".

"Since I moved here and found this place, I've been to this spot once, I don't feel lonely anymore since I've met you.." he says and looking at Killua.



"I've never had a friend like you. Well I had Zushi and Kite but I still always felt empty inside, it was like-" Killua gets cut off by Gon

"Like something was missing?" Gon says. Killua looks at Gon and nods "Exactly".

"I don't feel empty when I'm with you, It's actually the opposite I feel so full and complete." A heavy blush comes over Killua's face. He's never expressed feelings to anyone before.

"I understand, I was always alone back on Whale Island. No friends or anything. Just me and aunt Mito." "So Killua, were my first friend" He says looking up at the stars.

"You're mines too"

"Now we date, and will always date" Gon says

"You're so smooth Gon" Killua adds

Gon laughs. "Really Killua, It's true"

Killua unwraps one of his chocolate robots and nibbles on it. Gon smiles at his cuteness.

"I can't wait until we finish school.." Gon says


"I want to stick with you and travel the whole world with you. We can go to places we've never been before"

"Just me and You"

"After we travel everywhere, I'll propose to you" Killua freezes and turns red..

"I-Idiot, that's embarrassing!" Gon laughs

"How? It's the truth!" he says laughing at Killua

Killua didn't say it but he really liked the idea of marrying Gon one day.

"Then after we get married we can adopt kids"

Gon puts his finger on his chin and thinks

"Maybe a boy, or a girl. What do you think Killua?"

"I-I don't know.."

"Maybe we can get both!" Gon says smiling

"I'd like that" Killua says

"Me too, as long as we're together it doesn't really matter what we do." Killua's heart jumped at his words. It beat so loud he thought Gon would hear it

Gon suddenly cups Killua's face and kisses him softly. Killua sinks into his kiss and returns it. They pull away and touch foreheads looking into each others eyes blushing.

"I love you, Killua"

"I love you more, Gon"

They smile and look back up at the stars and talk for the rest of the night.


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