Chapter 10

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-Off The Hook

*Gon's POV* could I be so dumb. Mr.Morow was standing right outside the door, did he hear us? He walked into the room so Killua and I backed up. He closed the door behind him. "Boys,why aren't you in class?" he asked smiling

I looked at Killua and he wasn't even phased. "We were just talking, we're going now" I grab Killua's hand and try to walk around but he stops me. "Then what was the moaning I heard just now?" Fuck...

I try to think of something but nothing comes to mind.. "Killua maybe don't have sex in my classroom next time" "I-Idiot we weren't having sex!" Killua said.. What..? I looked at Killua and he still had a nonchalant expression on his face. "What if I was a student? or worse a teacher?..well I am but you get my point" He walks over and sits at his desk. And starts to write something.. "Killua, you can go but your friend here will be expelled!"

"What the fuck?!" Killua yelled I was to confused to understand what was happening.. He giggled and crossed his legs.. "Calm down kitten, I'm joking"
He hands Killua and I late pass and goes back to his desk "Don't let it happen again" he said glaring at Killua. "Whatever, let's go Gon". He grabbed my hand and we left out of the class..

I started to breathe again.. "Killua what was that about?"

"I'll explain later, we need to get to class!" he let go of me and I hated it.. I watched him as he walked his way to class so did I.

All day I couldn't focus. I was scared that Killua's name or mine would be called on the intercom. But it never happened.. Why?. It's now the last class of the day and I sit beside Retz. She talks about some drama, and her friends and I could honestly care less. I could only think about Killua and his new 'boyfriend' I want to break him.. his boyfriend of course. I could never hurt my precious Killua..

Anyway I'm thinking about how I will break up with Retz.. Maybe I'll cheat on her with Palm? Yea yea that's it!

I pull out my phone and decide to text Killua during class..

Gon: Let me walk you home? Unless you're walking with your boyfriend </3

Killua: You can walk with me...

I think I may love Killua.. This isn't good. I remember earlier and how he moaned my name and start to grow hard again..

When no one's looking I grab the print of my dick through my pants and send a picture of if to Killua..

*Killua's POV*

Gon: *1 image attachment*

I- what the fuck Gon.. My face went red. He's feeling really brave today I laughed to myself. Gon is really big. I don't know if I could handle all of it..

Killua: Someone's feeling bold.

Gon: I bet you saved it

Killua: I didn't but now I will ;)

"Killua! no phones during class!" I jump as Mr.Knov yelled at me and pushed his glasses back up on his face..

"Sorry.." I say as I roll my eyes

Killua: I gtg talk to you later!

I close my phone and draw on my desk for the rest of class. I ended up dozing off and eventually I am woken up by someone gently shaking my shoulder. When I open my eyes I see Pitou.. I instantly jump up

"Lol you fell asleep here" he said

I nod my head "School ended five minutes ago" he said smiling

"Oh shit! thanks" I got up and ran downstairs

Ugh I hope Gon didn't leave me..

"Wait up!" Pitou yelled to me

"I'll walk with you"

"Okay.." I speed walk and we're finally outside

I frantically look around for him but I don't see him anywhere.. Fuck

"Looking for me?" I turn around and see him standing there Fuck whenever the sun hit his face he looked so perfect.. He was literally the light in my dark world.. How long will he stay lit?

 He looks at Pitou up and down and wraps his arm around my neck and we walk off together

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He looks at Pitou up and down and wraps his arm around my neck and we walk off together. I look back and wave goodbye and Pitou waves back

"You have a bad boyfriend.."

"How?" I ask

"Well if you were mines I'd kill whoever touches you" he said looking at me

He was dead serious. I blush at him "Idiot"



"Can I take you somewhere tonight?"


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