Chapter 4

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-The Party (SMUT)

                            *Killua's POV*

After a few minutes of driving we arrive at Retz house. I remember I came here for her 16th birthday back in 10th grade. I looked over at Gon I guess he was texting Retz because a few minutes later she comes outside. She was wearing a tight red dress and had her hair down, I can't lie I'm not even straight and I admit she looked really pretty

I looked at Gon and of course he had the hard on for her. She got into the backseat and smiled.

"Babe, you look so fucking good" he said

I should play along..

"Yea Retz you look great!" I fake smiled

"Thanks! babe you look hot! and so do you Killua!"

Gon starts to drive again and about twenty minutes later we reach this huge house with a bunch of cars already parked outside. Once Gon finds a parking spot we get out, he opens the door for Retz he's such a gentleman..

They lock arms and he helps her walk since she wearing high heels. "Fall" I think "Wtf no Retz is my friend.." Once we enter I am amazed at the sight. I see a bunch of people dancing, drinking, smoking, and just having a blast I smiled. I look around and spot Leorio and Kurapika grinding on each other to the music my eyes widened "Get it I guess" I thought

Retz yells over the loud music she's going to find a bathroom and he nods. Me and Gon walk to the bar where drinks are being reserved and Gon starts ordering a bunch of drinks

"Killua!" he yells

"Let's drink!"

I nod at his words even though I've never tasted alcohol in my life. I drink it fast and shake at the taste.. Gon laughs at the face I make and drinks his.. he actually drinks a lot more.

Gon hands me another drink after another and I accept them all just because they're coming from him.. I drank at least 10 shots at this point and I couldn't even see straight. Gon was still standing with me and dancing to the music a little..

Soon Retz comes back and laughs when she sees us drunk.

"Killua! I'm going to borrow Gon for a moment"

She says as she pulls him on the dance floor. I watch them dance and Gon could barely even stand I couldn't help but to laugh. Next thing I know someone hugs me from behind it was Kurapika

"Why are you just standing here!?"

I was honestly so drunk I couldn't respond correctly

"Y-Yeaa" I said slurring my words

"Oh shit Killua's drunk!" He said to Leorio laughing

They order some drinks and drink as well. But I couldn't stop looking over at Gon.

"Go dance with him!" Leorio said

I clearly understood that..

"W-What n-no wayy!" I said

I grab another drink and down it

Leorio smirked at me and I laughed and pushed him away. I looked at everyone else at party, I didn't see Kite or Zushi yet.

I stand and drink more with Leorio and Kurapika. I was really enjoying myself. They were so easy to talk to and made me laugh a lot. Soon Gon came back over and I felt butterflies, I felt them whenever he was near no matter what he was doing.

"W-Where's Retz?!" I yelled into his ear

He just shrugged and gulped down a drink. I watched him as he drank and play fought with Leorio a little..

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