(32) Traded

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Two months later 

Ellie was making dinner while Sydney was napping in her swing. Colton had meetings with his management team for most of the day. He finally arrived home with pink roses. 

He kissed her cheek from behind as he handed her roses. "What's the occasion?" She said as she smelled them.

"We need to talk.." he said 

She laid them down and felt her heart drop to her stomach. 

"Okay.." she said 

"I've been traded..to the LA Angels." He said 

"Oh..but LA is in California. That's on the other side of the country." She said 

"I know.." he said 

"But we bought this house to grow old in Colt. I have one more year of school to complete my masters degree. We can't just up root everything I have school and I have Cam whose only a four drive away.." she said 

He looked down as he sat up on the bar top of their kitchen. 

"Ellie, slow down. I already know all this. I tried baby to talk to Gregory I tried to make him understand all that. But this isn't a type of career where I can pick and choose where I want to go." He said 

She walked over to him and stood in between his legs. He cupped her cheeks as he kissed her. 

"So what I was thinking, is that you and Sydney stay here. You finish your degree be close to Cam. I'll come home during off season and you can fly in when I have home games. And we can just do long distance. And then once you finish your degree..maybe you can do internship somewhere in LA. Talk to Barnes about letting Cam fly out to you on your weekends..or if he doesn't like that. We can keep this house and you can fly in here for your weekends. We can make this work baby." He said 

"But that's a lot of time apart Colt. I know we just had her but I want more babies. I was an only child for a longtime. You grew up with siblings.." she said 

"We will have more babies. It's a four year contract baby. And we can do this." He said as he wiped her stay tear. 

"Yeah. Supper's ready." She whispered as she walked away. 

It was quiet between them the rest of the night. 


A month later Ellie and three month old Sydney was standing in a airport with Colton. They said their good byes as he had to be in LA. MLB season was about to start for the new season. 

"I love you I'll call you when I land okay?" He said 

"Love you too." She said 

They shared a kiss. "Take care of our girl baby and you. And I'll see you soon." He said 

"Yeah." She said as he kissed Sydney. 

He boarded the plane,Ellie stayed and watched as the plane took off. 

"Say bye bye dada." She whispered as she wiped a few tears before heading back to the car. 

Amazed By You (Sequel To Look After You)Where stories live. Discover now