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Anga found her on his doorstep waiting for him. He ran to hug her tightly, she cried in his arms. He was confused and didn't know what to say to make her feel better he just held her until she was calm.

He opened the door and sat her on his couch and got her a fleece blanket to warm her because she was cold. She was wearing her pyjama shorts and he made her a cup of tea.

Anga: Here. (He gave her a cup of tea). Are you okay?

Nadia: I will be fine. I'm sorry you had to come.

Anga: Don't apologise. It's alright. You wanna talk about it?

Nadia: My life is ruined, I have nothing left to live for.

Anga: Don't talk like that. It can't be that bad.

Nadia: Yes it is. My father is sending me to India.

Anga: ( He sat up in shock) Why? What happened?

Nadia: Because he can and he is my father.

Anga: No no! you should tell him that you can't. I mean I can't do that.

Nadia: Are you insane? I can't say No to my father, he is my father.

Anga: What about your family here? What about your friends and what about your job you love your job right?.

Nadia:  No I don't love my job, I never wanted to be a doctor but my father wanted me to be. Then I became a doctor, and now he wants to send me to India and I must go.

Anga: What about us?

Nadia: There is no us and you know that.

Anga: Don't play dumb with me right now. If there is no us, then why are you here? What do you want from me?

Nadia: Okay! I will leave then... I don't know why I'm here okay?

Anga: I will tell you why. You are here because you know that I love you and because you know you always find comfort in me. You are here because you love me, I see it in your eyes I have been seeing it. You are here because with me you can be yourself.

She cried again because she knew that he was telling the truth and she was hurting because she might never see him ever again.

The truth was that she fell in love with him the first day she saw him. But she had to obey her father and do what he said.

She went to wash her face in the bathroom and came back.

Nadia: I'm sorry.

Anga: Don't apologise to me. Stop crying I don't like seeing you like this. You wanna know something?

Nadia: (She nodded looking up into his eyes) Yeah.

Anga: You know I loved you from the first time I saw you. You are so beautiful and perfect for me. We are perfect for each other look at us (she giggled) yeah that's my baby. (He smirked)

Nadia: Okay you got me. I do feel for you strongly, but what's the point because I'm leaving now? And I will never see you again.

Anga: If you won't fight for us. I will talk to your father if I have to.

Nadia: (She panicked)  no! he can never find out that I am seeing someone that would make things worse.

Anga: But why you are a grown woman though? Is there something I should know?

Nadia: Yes, you should know that my father is not the one to mess around with okay? Just stay out of it.

Anga: (He changed the subject. He was pissed) do you want something to eat?

Nadia: Thank you I am fine I just wanna go to bed.

Anga: Shall we?

They got in bed and cuddle until she fell asleep, but he couldn't sleep there was a lot on his mind, he wondered why she feared her father like that. He suspected that there was something she wasn't telling him.

He didn't know much about her family only that her family was wealthy. They had multi companies around Southern Africa and one in India too.

Nadia Naidoo was the only girl to her parents she had two brothers older and the younger she was the middle child. She and her siblings were born here in South Africa which made them South Africans.

Nadia's mansion...

Nadia cooled off a bit after a long day at work. She wanted to talk with her mother because they got along better than her father.

Her mother was in the kitchen preparing dinner. She came to join her.

Nadia: (She kissed her mother's cheek) How are you mother?

MrsNaidoo: I'm good how are you, baby? How was work?

Nadia: I am good, work is exhausting.

MrsNaidoo: (She poured a glass of Orange juice) Here sit down you must be tired. You work very hard saving lives, you know I am very proud of you baby. (She brushed her daughter's chin)

Nadia: So what's the occasion it's been a long time since you came here and cooked and it smells delicious.

MrsNaidoo: I thought I should make something for you and your father. You know I don't like fights in my family. Speaking of that I didn't like the way you stormed out that night.

Nadia: I know I'm sorry just that I got mad. I don't know why he thinks he can just make decisions for me. I'm grown now I can make my own decisions.

MrsNaidoo: I know baby but you will always be our baby. And all your life I have always told you that this day will come.

Nadia: Things have changed now I have other dreams. I have lived to please my father my whole life. Why can't I do what makes me happy for me once?

MrsNaidoo: (She held her hands) My parents did the same for me and It's not that bad baby look at me. I am happy and I don't regret anything at all.

Nadia: Times are different now mother. Just once please trust me with my own decisions. Please talk to him for me.

MrsNaidoo: It's not about just your father but it's about loyalty and respect for the family. I don't wanna lose you, I wouldn't know how to live without you here by my side.

Nadia: No I am not going to India no! I have a life here and I will not leave it.

MrsNaidoo: What do you mean, are you saying you agree? (She sounded very excited)

Nadia: No mum! I'm saying I'm moving out and I will have my own place.

Mr. Naidoo arrived just in time to hear his daughter talking about moving out. He felt disappointed in his only daughter and disrespected.

MrNaidoo: You leave this house you are dead to me.

MrsNaidoo: Rajesh! How could you say that?

He left them with their jaws on the floor.

Thank you for reading.

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