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Elam and Zama had grown on each other and she felt safe around him because there was no way she was going to lose him as a friend like she lost most of her good friends before.
Elam was then seventeen years old.

They were both on the basketball court playing basketball and she was good at it.

Elam: Tell me why you always call me "Safe"?

Zama: (she giggled) Because you are duuh!

Elam: Ooh I get it. It's because I make you feel protected around me and you know that I take care of you right? (He smirked)

Zama: Boy, please! (She rolled her eyes) you know you ain't that cool and I take care of myself. I got me.

Elam: Really? So who stood up for you to that giant red boy when you first came here?

Zama: You did and it was your job to do that. (She scored the ball) am I good or what did you see that? (She referred to the basketball)

Elam: You just got lucky man, you don't have to brag you know I always win. So how is it my job to stand up for you?

Zama: You are like my brother, you must have my back and besides we were the only black kids back then so you had to protect me. But now I got me I'm older and you are my boyfriend

Elam: I can't believe you just played the race card on me, (He laughed).
So am I your boyfriend? (He held the ball by his waist and got closer to her)

Zama: Yeah you are a boy and also a friend so that is called a boy friend. (She took the ball and scored again)

Elam: That doesn't count you distracted me Zee comeon. You are so sneaky.

Zama: Don't hate the player brother. (She laughed at him)

They sat on the bench facing each other

Elam: You haven't answered my question yet?

Zama: What was your question again?

Elam: Why do you call me Safe? I have heard you calling me that many times and even behind my back. Maya told me and James also.

Zama: Because I know that you ain't leaving me and you have never did. You the only one who never left me

Elam: You don't have to worry about that I will always be here for you. Even though I worry about you.

Zama: How so?

Elam: I don't think you are ready for the outside life. I mean it's not as easy as you think but the only fun part is the freedom, other than that it's not for us, it's expensive and can be very dangerous too.

Zama: I don't care about all that, all I want is to go to the best University in the country and have a nice paying job and live my life. But even though I will be all alone in the world that scares me. (She got emotional)

Elam: Hey hey look at me (He held her chin up) I will always be there for you I mean even if I don't have anyone but you, we will always have each other.

They hugged each other

Zama didn't know that Elam had already been accepted to the University of Cape Town. In fact, he got a scholarship but he knew how emotional she was gonna be if he told her that she would think it was the end of the world for her, and that he was leaving her for good.

Elam was much more mature for his age he knew that once he turn eighteen years, Ubuntu Home was coming to an end for him, so he was selling his painting in town whenever he could go out and had saved some cash for himself in case he need something.

Zama, on the other hand, didn't stress too much about the future all she did was concentrate on her studies and on taking care of the kids at Home she was the only one who was fifteen others were younger. The Roberts had told her that they will not hire someone to take care of the kids instead she would do that or end up in the street it didn't bother her because she loved kids they kept her busy.

One year later...

Elam was doing great, It was his final year in high school and he was still staying at Home because he was still in school as the Constitution Law states that "as long as you are still at school you must have a roof over your head". And the Orphanage still had plenty of space so he could stay.

It was at noon and Zama was in the library doing her schoolwork

Mose: Hey pretty lady!

Zama: Mose! You scared me don't sneak up on me like that.

Mose: Chill baby it's just me or you thought it was that piece of trash of yours.

Zama: Piece of trash? ( She gave him an attitude)

Mose: Yes!, your boyfriend.

Zama: Now you talking. Yes my boyfriend, so what about him?

Mose: I don't like your tone Missy (He came closer to her cupping her cheeks with both hands)

Zama: ( She yelled in anger pushing him away) you stay away from me you creep!

Mose: (He slapped her) Who do think you are putting your filthy hands on me?

Zama: (She was in shock at the slap) You get out of here or I will scream. Go!

Mose: Go ahead scream, I will tell everyone about your boyfriend and that you have been having sex here and you will both be in the streets where you belong you brats! And they will believe me. Now give me some.

Mose pushed her against the wall and she fell, the next thing he was on top of her while the other hand was in her mouth trying to shut her from screaming. He unzipped his pants
and still trying to pull down her panty until he was hit with heavy wood in his head.

Elam strangled his neck until he passed out. He kicked him still.

Zama: (She cried) Stop he is dead let's get out of here!

Elam: No this monster is not dead I want to teach him a lesson. He must never mess with mine ever again

He finally stopped and hugged his girlfriend who was still in the trauma of the incident. They left him there.

Thanks for reading.

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