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At Elam's condo, he was on the phone with Maya

Elam: Thank you Maya you know I feel at peace now that I saw her and spoke to her.

Maya: I'm glad I could help, I did it for her now she will be at peace knowing that you are alive. Did you tell her where you have been?

Elam: No I haven't yet. We didn't talk much but we will as soon as she calls me.

Maya: If you dare hurt her I will personally cut off your balls is that clear?

Elam: Yes ma'am. (He said holding laughter)

Maya: Good we haven't spoken and you didn't get her address from me. You got that?

Elam: Of course Maya. We haven't talked. Bye for now, and thank you again.

Elam jumped up from his couch humming along with Kendrick and LilWayne's Monalisa. And got himself a cold beer. And turned the volume down as he called his best friend Kyle.

Elam: Really man don't tell me you are sleeping. Get the fuck up today it's a very beautiful day. It's drizzling that's a sign of blessings from above.

Kyle: Are you drunk?

Elam: (He laughed) No brother I am born again. Hallelujah I am Saved, brother

Kyle: Where is your dumb ass at?, now you woke me up I'm driving to your place I wanna see for myself man.

Elam: I'm in my place not just any place but my new apartment. Come over we have to celebrate.

Kyle was like a brother to him he took him in when he lost his scholarship and since then they became one. He was still confused about his friend's behavior because he never heard him so happy and weird.

He parked his car and got into the elevator straight to Elam's condo.

Kyle: This better be good man you woke me up. Come on what are we celebrating?

Elam: We are celebrating life man. You know today I had an amazing day, in fact, it was beyond that I just feel like shouting to whole world and tell the world that I'm so happy.

Kyle grabbed a beer from the fridge.

Kyle: Fool what's up what happened to you?

Elam: Love happened. I just feel like a teenager all over again.

Kyle: So you met someone. See man I told you that one day you will move on. So tell me up about her.

Kyle was really happy for his friend. But something didn't add up, he wondered how did he meet someone one day and be like crazy in love as if he had known the person his whole life. After life in Cuba where Elam studied to be a doctor.

He never really loved anyone. All he did was only hookups and girls loved him and he broke many hearts searching to find that one girl that would make him forget about the love of his life. It was strange for Kyle to see him genuinely happy the only time his eyes lit up like that was only when he talked about his childhood friend also a lover Zama.

Elam: (he began to pace around holding his beer as he described her) She was wearing a yellow and red floral dress with the highest shoes ever. I couldn't believe my eyes her hair was very neat in a very cute bun, and her tiny cat eyes with her long lashes had me blushing man. I began to have butterflies in my stomach same old feeling I had when I was just a boy.

It felt like a dream her curves, the way she moved it was like she was putting on a show her red lips and round face with a cute face and her left dimple got me weak man she was perfect absolutely amazing...

Kyle: What? Dude, you found her?

He was very surprised because he knew exactly who he was talking about even though he never met her but Elam had many drawings and paintings of her.

Elam: Finally I met my woman the love of my life!

There was a knock on the door and Kyle let their friend in. It was Anga

Kyle: Man we thought you were not coming till next week man. What's up, man?

Anga: (He grabbed a beer in the fridge) you know I knew that five weeks was a long time so I sat down and had a conversation with myself and it was a sad one. (He sipped his beer) and I asked myself, why am I here when my friends need me back at home? I know, I know I abandoned you and I'm sorry brothers. But I'm here now so what fill me in, what were you two talking about before I came in come-on with it?

Elam: You know you are the pain in the ass man. You are just nasty and we missed your nasty ass and we were talking about you

Anga: Ohh yeah? So what about me?

Kyle: We are concerned about you man. So we were asking ourselves that when are you actually getting laid I mean it's been years.

(They both laughed and Anga was just mocking the laugh.

Anga: Ha ha ha! very funny where did you get that joke? In case you forgot I'm the funny one here alright.

Kyle: Come on you know you are the funniest don't be a crybaby man. But we're in the middle of a situation here....

Anga: Well I'm here I'm a problem solver too. What's the situation I'm listening

Elam: Unfortunately man this one is out of your comfort zone it has to do with women something you don't really know about.

They laughed again.

Anga: Wow! you too you got jokes?. I'm really impressed (He clapped his hands) I see y'all been taking classes

Kyle: Your friend here is in love.

Anga: (He laughed very hard) wow! that's very good, that's a good one. It's really funny. Okay now, what is the situation?

Elam: Shut up you fool. I'm in love with what's wrong with that. I met my girl today she is back in the flesh baby.

Anga: What? How did it happen so soon? What did she say, what did she look like?

Elam: Man she was perfect.

Kyle: So was she happy to see you?

Elam: Not at first but you know me. She can never say no to me. I gave her my number she should call any time soon.

Anga: Is she still single after such all this time?

Elam: I don't know and I don't give a damn she is mine now. I don't wanna think about that.

Kyle: I guess you will find out soon I'm just happy that you finally met her man I wish you the best.

Anga: Yeah man I can't wait to meet her though.

Elam: What really? Shut the hell up. So did you get laid in Nigeria?
Anga: Of course girls were all over ....

Kyle: Yeah yeah yeah!

Thanks for reading

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