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Eight years later...

Zama's birthday party.

Lisa: To the most strong and beautiful woman. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most friend you are such a beautiful soul and I am lucky to call you my friend. I am very proud of you. I wish you all the best. Cheers to you friend.

They hugged

Nadia: I am so proud to call you my friend I mean look at you who wouldn't be? Wow it's been very great to be part of your life you have been like a sister to us even though you get serious sometimes but you know what I always say, "nothing a glass of wine cannot fix"  (they all laugh) on a serious note though thank you for being who you are. I love you.

Zama: You guys are so amazing thank y'all mostly to Maya who flew all the way from KZN just to celebrate my birthday I love you Maya thank you. Guys thank you for joining us to celebrate this day, especially to Nadia and Lisa who made this all possible, you girls are the best and I love you. So now let's party! (She shouted the last words rising a glass).

Two days after was Monday, Zama still had a headache from the booze she had on her birthday. She was running late from work. After a bath she fixed her black huge afro hair in a high bun, she didn't apply too much makeup so she had natural makeup with red lipstick. She had on her knee-length floral dress and red pencil high heels and grabbed her car keys. She didn't even have breakfast

Litha: Good morning miss. Today you have a 2 pm appointment with Linda Sibeko and his wife.

Zama: (in her office) thank you Litha may I have a glass of water, please?

Litha: Miss there is a guy in the waiting office. He is been waiting for you since this morning. He was here on Saturday but I told him we were not working and he is insisting to see you. Should I let him in?

Zama: If he is not a client he can wait. I'm not feeling well I haven't had breakfast I will see him when I get back I'm just gonna head out now. I need a strong tea.

She headed downstairs there was a small shopping complex. There was Starbucks she liked. When she got there she decided to call her friend Nadia

Nadia: Hey what's up girl? Are you okay?

Zama: Not really friend I'm still not feeling well. Please come have breakfast with me I need you, my dear friend.

Nadia: Stop being a crybaby. I'm sure you are fine in fact you sound fine to me. And you know I had an emergency call from the hospital it was very bad my friend there was a taxi accident and it was chaotic people were badly injured. I worked all night and that stupid moron of a new doctor was giving me a hard time friend-ordering me around. As if he is the head of all surgeons in this whole world, I mean who the hell does he think he is?.....

Zama cut her because she knew she was going to talk the whole day.

She and Nadia met through her friend Lisa and they became really good friends. Nadia Naidoo was very bubbly, easy and outgoing, and crazy most of the time. She was a medical Doctor in the nearby Hospital.

Zama: Yeah yeah yeah friend. Don't you think you are being a little too much to the poor guy? We all know you have a crush on him just because he is not making any moves on you is an idiot. But I'm sorry you had to work all night you must be tired.

Nadia: I can't believe you are taking his side right now. Who's side are you on? So much of a good friend. Have a nice day.

Zama: (She laughed hard at her dramatic friend). I'm sorry friend he is a fool. You know what? One of these days I'm going to deal with his ass. Bye, friend gets some rest. I love you.

Nadia: You know I love your ass. Now bye.

After she dropped the phone she was ready to order her coffee and a waiter came by

Waiter: Hello Miss what can I get you today?

Zama: Hi I will have the usual with no milk and cream make it stronger. Thank you.

Waiter: By the way you look very pretty as usual Miss. And your order is coming right up.

Zama: (She blushed) thanks. You ain't bad too. (She mumbled)

Her attention was on her phone when she heard a familiar voice not too far from her table so she looked up.

Zama: (shocked but still not sure who it was) Excuse me, can I help you?

The man: You are kidding right? (He took a seat across the table)

Zama: I didn't invite you to sit with me at my table so if you don't mind. ( Her heart was beating too fast. Still in shock and started shaking but not showing to the man next to her)

The man: I'm sorry about that but I really need to talk to you Zama, please.

Zama: I have nothing to say to you so beat it. (She paid for the tea and then head to her office.)

Zama couldn't believe her eyes after ten years it was as if she was in a dream.

This man turned out to be Elam her old boyfriend who promised her the world. It was him in the flesh. She felt all kinds of emotions. The pain, the heartache. She thought about the sleepless nights she had wondering if he was alive and the energy she put into searching for his ass. Hiring the Private Investigators. She thought the streets had killed him.

She rushed to her office passing by the Reception to Litha. She didn't even look at her and Elam was still following her

Litha: (She barged into her office without knocking). Miss is everything okay, can I get you anything?

Zama: Not now Litha, please!

Litha: Are you sure Miss? I mean you look....

Before even Litha finished what she was saying

Zama: Get out now! (She yelled causing Litha to jump and she was out in less than a second)

Zama: No no no! This can't be happening I will not let it happen to me. How could he be so cruel, he is alive it's him I saw him in a flesh. This motherfucker thinks that I'm still that naive girl he left. I'm gonna show him what's real. (She talked alone pacing up and down. Then she went to her bathroom)

She had a huge office, with an open space. Her office wall had white wallpaper. She really loved the white colour and peach also everything had a peach touch in her office, with white tiles. She had peach-squared couches along with their white fur and small pillows for her clients to sit on.

There was a white fur squared floor mat in the middle and a white little table for water and coffee for her patients that was on top of the mat.  Her couch was a circled design fur and also white in colour.

In her right corner, she had a white shelf where she kept all her working materials. A few meters away there was a bathroom door.

Thanks for reading

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