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"Wanna talk for a while? Tell me about yourself, I'm going to be your demon for a long time so it would be nice to know some things about you." Taehyung your demon, smiles warmly as he takes a sip of his drink.

After calming down, with his help and his warm embrace, you decided to make him and yourself a hot chocolate. It was far into the early hours of the morning, but sleep didn't seem inviting right at this moment. You wanted to have some company, even if it is with your newly made acquaintance.

When Satan said that you'd be getting a demon who would fulfil your wishes, you were expecting something terrifying, ghoulish even.

But the man sitting on your couch, isn't anywhere near that. He has a long, permed hair style that suits him perfectly; honey toned skin, he has such a caring face and smile that puts you at ease, making you feel oddly comfortable taking that he's a complete stranger. He has high cheek bones and a sharp jawline that looks like it would cut your finger if you tried to run your finger along it. He is slim built, but the growing muscles in his arms and chest are visible through his knitted brown jumper.

His eye colour is the only strange thing about him

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His eye colour is the only strange thing about him. Dazzling red and yellow irises that look like molten lava are encased in hooded eye lids. He looks incredibly beautiful, you can't help but stare at them, they're fascinating.

You were expecting someone arrogant, someone that was cold and didn't have any sort of emotions. But he was kind, caring and loving. Even having only met him for a short while, you could already see the beautiful personality that came with his matching looks.

"My name is y/n, I'm 23 years old. My biological parents gave me up for adoption when I was 3 days old, I got adopted by my nonbiological parents when I was 3 months old and I lived with them ever since the accident. At the age of 18, my parents house burned down and I was the only survivor that managed to escape before it collapsed. There was no other family members that wanted me, so I was left to fend for myself. I was fortunate enough to have them for as long as I did, they took care of me, they gave me unforgettable memories and loved me and that's all I could have ever asked for. I'm incredibly grateful for everything that they did for me.

I inherited some of the money they left in their will for me and I bought this place and also entered myself into university, I wanted to do them proud, to show them that I didn't give up even if it was the most challenging and heartbreaking thing anyone could've gone through. I finished university a year ago and was lucky enough to get the job I had always dreamed of getting.

But nothings been the same since they died, I don't have any friends, any family, any support, I work full time to provide for myself and I feel incredibly sad and empty. The people at work are vile to me and I don't understand what I've done to deserve the things they do to me. It's like I'm their slave, they don't have any sort of respect for me and it's physically and mentally draining. They enjoy seeing me suffer. ......Sorry that was a bit too much to digest all at once." You wipe your tears with your jumper sleeve, feeling embarrassed that you just verbal vomited your entire life story onto him.

"Don't apologise, I'm glad that you're finally letting your emotions out to someone. I can't imagine how lonely you must've been feeling all these years without your parents or without anyone to tell your thoughts and feelings to. But you have done them incredibly proud, I know it." Taehyung passes you the tissue box on your glass coffee table.

"Thank you." You smile sadly as you grab a couple of tissues.

"I know I can't be here all the time, but I'll be the person who you can off load to, or give you a hug when you need one. Although my advice skills are pretty rusty as I haven't traveled to Earth many times. I'll try my best to support you as best as i can." Taehyung nods as he offers a kind smile.

"Thank you Taehyung, id really appreciate that. Tell me about yourself, what are things like with you? What type of things do you like?" You sit up properly as you genuinely are interested about him. It's not everyday that you get to engage in a conversation with a demon.

"My name is kim Taehyung, I'm 26 years old. I was born in 1995, but time in the underworld is much different from earth. It's a lot slower, a year in the real world is like 5 years in the underworld. So the ageing process isn't quite as fast as it is here. I enjoy meeting new people, artwork, music and photography. But there isn't anything in the underworld where you can get ordinary things like you do on earth. Getting a notebook or a camera is like gold dust, infact the only way you can get something like that is travelling to earth and purchasing one. It gets extremely lonely, so that's why I went to university and got this job to hopefully fill that missing part of me." Taehyung nods sadly.

And you know that look without him having to explain it fully, because it's the same pain you feel. Loneliness.

"I'm sorry you feel lonely too, I'm here if you ever need to talk to someone, I'd like to be that person for you too. It's fascinating to know things about the underworld, people on earth have never truly known about the underworld, it's almost taboo and mythical. What kind of art work do you like?" You offer him a warm smile.

"Thank you y/n that's really kind of you. I like all types of artwork really, they are just beautiful to look at, Vincent Van Gogh is my favourite though, starry night is my all time favourite painting." His eyes sparkle with admiration, it's a beautiful look on him.

"No way..... I love Vincent Van Gogh too! Starry night is my favourite painting, this is so weird! I have it in my bedroom, come look!" You put down your now cold hot chocolate, as you run to your bedroom door, swinging it open like a child.

"I know it is...... I saw it last night briefly." Taehyung jogs after you to your room.

"You did?" You stop abruptly, furrowing your eyebrows at him.

"I took you to bed, after the bonding ceremony. I saw it on my way out of your room." Taehyung chuckles.

"Those were your foot prints?" You widen your eyes, finally it makes sense.

"Yeah." Taehyung nods as he stands in front of the tapestry, a wide smile in his face.

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