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Switching on your apartment lights, you step into the warm cosy living area. Normally you would be on the floor crying or having a mental breakdown by the time you step into the comfort of your apartment. But stepping in with a smile on your face and no tears free falling down your cheeks, is rather an odd feeling.

Today was a good day nothingness, nobody had you running around or dumping their work load onto you. You just quietly got on with your job duties while everyone did theirs.

You managed to also complete Taehyungs wish successfully, which was an extra bonus.

As you settle down your bag, you put on your house slippers and pull something quick and easy out for dinner. It was late and even though you had a good day, you were still feeling pretty tired.

Living alone is of course nice because you get your own time and space. But when it comes to cooking food, eating alone is quite lonely. Nobody there to share delicious home cooked food with, nobody to talk to about your day and no one to have any form of friendship with.

"I wonder what Taehyung is doing, is he eating?" You mumble to yourself.

"It would be stupid to summon him just so he could eat dinner with me. Gosh I need some fucking friends." You rub the back of your neck as you settle on some easy cook ramen.

After boiling the water, cooking and eating the tasteless watery ramen, you get ready for bed.

Locking your apartment door and putting the hatch on, you pick up the bag with Taehyungs things in and place the notebooks on your shelf. Making sure they are safe for when Taehyung comes back again.

"I hope he likes it." You sigh, as you inspect your purchases. Worried incase he dislikes your choice and terminates the contract.

"I wonder what he's doing right now, it's pretty late so he should be sleeping..... wait time works differently in the underworld, maybe it's day light down there. Ugh I get attached to people way too quickly." You chuckle bitterly to yourself as you get into bed.


"Shut up!" You moan, slapping the off button on your alarm repeatedly.

"I don't wanna go to work." You rub your eyes, still not making any effort to get out of bed.

"I hate my life." You sit up tiredly. Wishing you would go to bed earlier so you could wake up for once feeling refreshed rather than hanging out your ass.

15 minutes pass and you are still in the same position you were in when you woke up. You fake cry and finally drag your body out of the comfort of your bed before you end up late for work.

As you get ready to leave, you inspect the singular rose in your vase. It's just a standard rose, but it's still beautiful nothing the less, maybe you should press the petals for keep sake?

"Stop getting distracted!" You whine as you take one last glance before heading out the door.

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The sun is shining, there's not a single cloud in the sky so of course what do you do? Go to the bakery and get yourself a freshly baked pastry and a iced coffee for lunch.

The city of Bristol is rather pretty, sure there's some ugly parts but it's what makes a city. It's also great for warm pasties, baked goods and a delicious cup of iced coffee.

When you first started working at the magazine department, you used to come to this bakery all the time, but as the days and weeks went by, more and more of time coming here got shorter and shorter, to never coming here again.

Now that you have free time and not running around all day, it's time to go back and taste the delicious coffee and cake you've been craving for, for months.

The bakery is busy just like how you've always remembered, the que of customers are coming out of the door and mid way down the street but it's worth the wait and you have time to waste.

As your place in lines gets shorter and shorter the smell of the ovens packed full of different breads, pasties and pastries make your stomach growl loudly.

"Welcome to lunas cafe, what can I get you?" A guy with bleach blonde curly hair smiles tiredly.

You haven't seen him before, you would of remembered a handsome face like his. Looking quickly down at his name tag "Yoongi" is written in blocked hand writing.

"Can I get a iced milky coffee with cream and also a..... Hmm they all look delicious." You scan the glass counter with your hungry eyes.

"The coffee and walnut cake is my favourite." He smiles softly.

"It is? I'll take that too please." You give him a sweet smile in return.

"Can I take a name for your drink?" He looks up as a large cup and pen is held in his big  hands.

"Y/n." You nod, taking out your purse.

"Y/n.... pretty name." He chuckles as he writes your name on the cup.

"Thanks, Yoongis a cute name too." You chuckle, blushing deeply.

"Thank you, your total is £3.50 y/n." He taps the till and inserts your change.


With a little pastel blue box, you wait to the side of the cue for your drink to be made.

As Yoongi continues to serve the customers, he every so often takes a peak at you from the corner of his eyes.

You can't help but shyly smile, nobodies ever taken notice to you so getting a compliment and a flirtatious smile makes your stomach bubble nervously with butterflies.

"Y/n, your drinks ready, have a lovely day." The barista Yoongi smiles softly as he hands you your drink.

"Thank you. Have a good day too Yoongi." You grab your drink and bid him a quick goodbye before exiting the bakery and back in the direction of work.

"He was nice." You giggle to yourself as you take a sip from your delicious drink.

You find a place to sit and decide to keep this day memorable, you take a quick photo of your cake and drink.

*snap* your camera shutter clicks and you quickly inspect the photo. But you notice something strange. A of piece of ripped paper hangs out of the cup holder.

Your heart drops instantly.... is that a note?

Did that guy Yoongi give you a note?

With flushed cheeks you take out the paper from the holder and open it up.

Y/n here's my number 07*****78*96. Enjoy the cake!

"Holy shit. He JuSt GaVe Me HiS NuMbEr." You widen your eyes.

*creates new contact* *evil laugh*

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