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~It's moving day~

"Y/n! We've missed you! We haven't seen you in days, where have you been?" Jungkook fake cries as he sits at your dining table.

You know you shouldn't have invited him in, but he practically forced his way in when you unlocked your apartment door.

"I had to go out of town for work, there's a new production coming soon so things have been so busy. How have you and Yoongi been?" You fake smile.

The anger builds up in your stomach, but you can't snap. Like Taehyung said, you need to act like nothings ever happened and to act oblivious to the situation.

"Oh okay, I'd ask but it sounds top secret. We've been okay, Yoongis been working at the cafe and I've just been going to photo shoots for the magazine that's coming out. It's been quite, I haven't even you seen you leave the apartment in a few days." Jungkook sighs dramatically.

Oh yeah? You forgot that they're watching you 24/7 with their not so secret cameras in your apartment.

"What company do you work for? Now that you mention your modelling job, I haven't actually seen you in any magazines or billboards.... Which is strange, because I always look at all the magazines for work of course but haven't seen you in a single one.... Why is that?" You raise you eyebrow.

You bitterly smile. This whole modelling job is complete bullshit, and it's only taken you to realise until now. But you're onto him.

"Uh- ummm- *nervously laughs* Really? Ive been in quite a few." Jungkook gulps as the cold nervous sweat starts to attack his body.

"Have you got any magazines in your apartment with you in it? I'd like to see them, I told you about the company's looking for models right? I could show them some of your works." You tilt you head, smiling sweetly.

"I-Uh don't actually have any.... They're all at the company. I don't like to boast too much about it." Jungkook gulps and fiddles with his hands.

"Oh, that's a shame. You'll have to get some, id like to see." You smile knowingly.

"Y-yeah I'll bring some next time I go in the office." Jungkook chuckles dryly.
With your suitcases open, you start to pack up your belongings.

Jungkook went back to his apartment 10 minutes ago with his tail between his legs after you practically grilled him and ate him for lunch.

Now that you sit on the floor in your bedroom, your kinda glad that you don't have much stuff to pack. Your lifestyle has always been minimalistic and your glad.

4 suitcases will be more than enough to fit all your valuable belongings in. 2 for clothes and shoes, 1 for books, posters, nick nacks and blankets and the forth for electronics and pillows.

Taehyungs friend who you'll be living with for a few weeks and his husband will picking you up in an hour, which if you hurry will be plenty of time to pack up all your stuff.

You're nervous, I mean anyone would be if they'll be going live with a stranger. But you trust Taehyung, you trust him with your life and if he has his faith in his friend, then you should too.

It's going to be sad leaving this little apartment. It's been your place of comfort for 2 years, where you've had happy and sad times here so it's going to be heart breaking when you lock the door for the final time.

But this is a great opportunity to start anew and most importantly feel safe at last. You hope so anyway.

*Knock knock knock*

With your suitcases rolled to the front door, you look through the peep hole. Two men stand outside who are giggling amongst themselves. They're both tall, one has blonde hair and the other has black, they look good together.

With a final look at your nearly empty apartment you open your door.

"Hello, you're y/n right?" A man with blonde hair smiles warmly.

"Yes that's right, you are Namjoon and Jin... right?" You return his smile.

"That's us. I'm Jin, and this idiot here is Namjoon, it's a pleasure to meet you y/n we've heard a lot about you." The guy with the blonde hair who is now named Jin opens his arms for a hug.

"Oh- nice to meet you both too." You're taken back at his friendly Aura, but hug him back.

"Nice to meet you roomie." Namjoon opens his arms and hugs you too.

"Thank you." You smile widely.

"Are you ready to go? Or would you like a bit more time?" Jin smiles sadly.

".... I'm ready to go, the longer I stay, the more attached I'll get." You sadly smile.

"Okay, we'll help you with your suitcases. We'll look after you little one, I promise." Namjoon extends his hand and comfortingly rubs your arm in assurance.

"Thank you guys, I really mean it." You start to tear up.

"You're most welcome, come on let's go, your new home is waiting for you." Jin nods his head as he grabs 2 suitcases.

"Bloody hell, you got a dead body in here? It's heavy!" Namjoon follows suit and takes the suitcase full of shoes and clothes.

"Sorry! I can take that one if you'd like. They're all pretty heavy, I struggled zipping the buggers up." You laugh.

"It's okay, I needed to do a bit of a work out anyway." Namjoon chuckles softly.

"Pff you working out? That's never happened in the five years I've been married to you." Jin shakes his head with a smile and begins to go down the corridor and stairs.

"Hey! ..... Yeah...You're right, working out is not my thing. Food is way more important." Namjoon shrugs and follows behind Jin.

With a final look, you smile sadly and close the door for the final time. Locking the door, you grab your final suitcase and walk away.

To new beginnings.

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