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Nervousness crawls at your skin.

Ever since Taehyung told you about his impressive sense of smell, of telling who's good and who's bad, it's been spinning around in your head all night and all morning.

Are Jungkook and Yoongi really bad people like Taehyung said?

If he really is right, what the hell is their plan with you? Are they out to get you? Are they going to hurt you? Maybe they were bad people in the past but they're looking to get away from old habits?

You've always had a pleasant time with them, they've never said anything concerning apart from their bazar behaviour yesterday morning and the secret room they have that's always locked.

But other than that, they seem like good people to you.

"What am I going to do?" You take a seat on the edge of your bed with your head in your hands.

You've been awake for hours, pacing back and forth in your apartment trying to think of a reasonable answer as to why they are acting the way they are. One thought in particular keeps popping up.

Are they in a gang?

If they are, is this whole thing a secret type of mission to get close to someone?

"Is that person me?.... What have I done?" You whisper as the feeling of anxiety rises in your chest.

What could they possibly want from you?

Should you install cctv? Is that maybe too much?

After sometime, you decide to put on a brave face and just act like you're not having a mental breakdown inside your head.

You can't act weird around them, then they'll definitely know something is wrong. Then what would they do? How will they act towards you when you know that something is off with them?

What if they get violent?.... you don't want to see that side of them. Or else it would shatter you. You've spent months with them, telling your darkest secrets to them, hanging out almost every night and having random sleep overs when you feel like it. And for you to find out that this whole thing has been a lie? That you invested all your free time into becoming close friends with them, when in reality it was a secret plan for it to become something evil?

"I don't think I can do it." You place your head on your front door.

Something is telling you to not go, make up an excuse that you're suddenly coming down with the flu or you're being called into the office for something important. Maybe you can't face the cold reality, that your newly made friends are out to get you. That they're pretending to care about you.

But something is definitely telling you to run.

"You can do it sweetheart. I'm with you every second remember, I won't let you out of my sight." Taehyung appears beside you, pulling you into an embrace.

"How can I act like I don't know something? I'll make it obvious that something is off. Tae I don't know what to do." Your eyes brim with tears.

"Make a wish." He whispers.

"I can do that?" You look at him through glassy eyes.

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