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-3 days later-

It's a Saturday, a stormy one in fact. The city was due forecast of heavy thunderstorms and you've been waiting impatiently for their arrival. You watched the dark grey clouds roll in over the city through your bedroom window as a smile made its way on your face.

You loved a thunderstorm, the flashes of bright light and the deep bellow of the thunder sent butterflies to your stomach.

As a kid they freaked you out, you had to go to your parents room because they just seemed terrifying to you. The loud booms sounded like the world was coming to an end. But as you grew up, the less they scared you, coming to a point where you tracked and watched excitedly.

The apartment across from you got sold a few days ago. Which was kind of strange as the your neighbour seemed to have vanished. You didn't even see any "for sale" signs it seems as if they packed up and left without a single word. 

The large moving truck pulls up outside the apartment building coming to a slow stop. As soon as the yellow headlights turn off as well as the engine, the first bolt of lightning cracks and ripples through the grey sky.

"They picked the worst day to move in, their stuff is going to get drenched

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"They picked the worst day to move in, their stuff is going to get drenched." You chuckle as you shake your head.

"Fuck sake." A mans voice shouts annoyedly as the rain begins to bolt from the sky.

"Quickly Hyung, the quicker we get this inside, the less all this stuff is gonna get wet." Another mans voice shouts as he slides open the van door.

"...... should I go ask if they want any help?" You look at the clouds, then back down at the big van and a final look at the clouds again.

"I'm gonna miss out on watching the storm." You sigh.

Helping the new neighbours is a good way to start a friendship, plus if you were just moving in, you'd really appreciate someone giving you some help with the boxes too.

Running to the door, you put on your rain coat and wellies before taking a nervous breath.

"You can do this." You hype yourself up, opening up the door before you can talk yourself out of it.

*BOOM* a loud roar of thunder bellows through the apartment complex, sending an instant smile to form on your face.

"God I love thunderstorms." You mumble as you jog down the stairs.

"I'm soaked and I haven't even picked up the first box yet." A mans voice grumbles.

"I told you that you should buy a coat Hyung." The other voice replies amusedly.

"A rain coat isn't my thing, I'm too fashionable for that." The man replies back cockily.

"Pff too fashionable, you're funny." The guy cackles loudly.

As you walk to the entry way, you see a guy in a black rain coat laughing and next to him the other guy balancing 2 big boxes in hands, who's completely drenched.

"I'm going to purposely leave your boxes in the rain." He mumbles.

"I think the fuck not meow meow."

"H-hi sorry to interrupt, I was wondering if you needed some help? I live in the apartment across from you." You hold in a laugh from witnessing them both bicker.

"*whispers 'damn'*.... Hi, nice to meet you, are you sure? Because we could use all the help we can get." A crooked smile forms on the boys face with the rain coat.

"Nice to meet you too. Yeah of course I don't mind, I would be grateful for help too if I was just moving in. My names y/n." You awkwardly hold your hand out for greetings.

"Nice to meet you y/n, I'm Jungkook. The guy behind the boxes is Yoongi." He steps forward to shake your hand.

"Y/n?" You both say in sync.

The guy lowers the boxes, revealing his face. And holy shit, it's Yoongi from the bakery. It's also the Yoongi who gave you his number.

"No way." He chuckles.

"You two know each other?" Jungkook furrows his eyebrows confusedly.

"We met at briefly the bakery a few days ago." Yoongi chuckles softly.

"She's the one who you've been talking ab- OUCH!" Jungkook buckles as he cradles his knee cap.

"Shut the fuck up asshole." Yoongi grits his teeth.

You hold in a snort as you smile softly.

".....What box should I take?" You move forward towards the van.

"Right ...yeah sorry, uh any box is fine, but don't take a heavy ones, Jungkooks a muscle pig so he can take care of those ones." Yoongi flushes pink and quickly makes his escape into the apartment complex building.

"Okay." You pick the box nearest to you and follow behind Yoongi up the stairs.

"So y/n what do you do? Do you have any hobbies?" Jungkook follows you up the stairs, voice slightly muffled by 2 gigantic boxes in his face.

"I work for a magazine company, I don't know if you've heard of it, it's called "Winnie weekly" they do fashion and makeup tips." You nod.

"Wait- you said 'Winnie weekly?" Jungkook stops walking, coming to a halt on the top of the stair case.

"Yeah." You chuckle confusedly.

"Of course I've heard of it! I mean are you kiddin? It's the most popular magazine in the country, everyone's heard of it." Jungkook widens his eyes.

"I'm the editor for Magazine, I check all the spellings, grammar, the fonts and stuff before it goes into publishing for the public." You smile proudly.

"Holy shit, I'm talking to someone famous right now." Jungkook picks the boxes back up of follows behind you into the apartment.

"I'm not famous, but thank you. What do you do?" You set down the box and wait for Jungkook to do the same.

"You're definitely famous! Im just a model, nothing fancy." Jungkook smirks cheekily.

"You're a model?......There's actually a opening at the company, they're looking for new models, I could put in a good word for you if you're interested?" You raise your eyebrow, he would be perfect.

"Asdfghjkl ArE yOu KiDdInG?! You would do that for me?" Jungkook eyes glisten, heart strucken to say the least.

"Yeah of course I would, they've been looking for new models for ages but never found any that were of interest." You smile, before going down to get some more boxes.

"Is it too early to ask you for your hand in marriage?" Jungkook tugs on your coat in a daze.

"Who's already proposing?" Yoongi chuckles loudly as he peers over the railings from the ground floor.

"Ive known him for 3 minutes... I could be a serial killer and he's already asking me to marry him." You snort loudly.

"She said she'd put in a word for me at 'Winnie weekly' for the modelling job.... Hyung..... you know how long I've been dreaming of working there." Jungkook smiles brightly.

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