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"Taehyung?" You whisper.

"Yes sweetheart?" He whispers back.

"Tell me something, anything." You weakly smile.

After arriving in the underworld to Taehyungs city apartment, he made you some food and you spent the rest of the night listening to his old vinyl player. Now you both are snuggled into Taehyungs super king bed as you both comfortingly cuddle each other.

".... when I was in university, I hated it. I didn't pay much attention half the time, I was bored out my mind. I had just bought this black fountain pen and I loved it. One day in class I was doodling in my notebook and suddenly it stopped working. I was devastated. I did everything to try and make it work again, but no matter what I did it just wouldn't. So I started to flick the pen hoping the ink would come out. I hadn't realised that as I was flicking it, ink was sprouting out everywhere. When I looked up I couldn't help but laugh. I had flicked ink all up the back of my lecturers white shirt, it went all the way from the top of his collar to the seems at the bottom. I had detention for 3 weeks and I had to pay for a new shirt. Even to this day, I still can't help but laugh." Taehyung chuckles softly.

"You did? Taehyung that's hilarious." You snort loudly.

"I think that's the only naughty thing I've ever done." Taehyung giggles.

"I wish I was there to see that." You chuckle softly.

"Did you ever do anything naughty?" Taehyung looks down at you, a smile displaying highly on his face.

"I was a good student but sometimes you can't help but be stupid sometimes. I was in geography, it was the most boring class I've ever had, like you I didn't pay attention half the time. I had a glue stick and it was the new thing back then where you got the lid and took a chunk out of the glue stick. Once I had a huge chunk of glue i put it on the end of my finger and flicked it. It was in the middle of summer so all the windows were open and as I've flicked the glue, the wind had taken it and suddenly the girl on the other side of the class let out a scream. She's turned round and the sight was hilarious, she had the chunk of glue stuck to her eyelid and she couldn't open her eye. Tae I've never laughed so much in all my life." You cover your mouth and belly laugh.

You wish you could've met Taehyung sooner. Because the more time you spend with him, the more you think you two would've been the bestest of friends growing up. He's like home but in a person. He's warm, loving, funny and adorable and you truly are grateful for his existence.

"It landed on her eyelid?! Y/n that's so bloody funny." He roars with laughter.

"I'm surprised I didn't get a detention, but even if I did, it would've been worth it." You chuckle loudly.

"I wish I would have been able to see that." Taehyung giggles.

"Tae, we would've been the bestest of friends of friends growing up, I know it. We could've been partners in crime." You smile up at him as his features soften at your words.

"I feel the same way too. But you know what? Even though we didn't spend our childhoods together, I feel like I've known you for a lifetime and that to me is even more special. I'm glad I met you y/n, my life was so mundane before you came into my life, and now.... its the most beautiful and memorable lifetime Ive ever had." Taehyung smiles softly as he squeezes you in his arms.

"You're gonna make me cry! Stop it!" You chuckle sadly, feeling the tears start to brim in your eyes.

"Don't cry! I mean it y/n, I'm grateful for your existence." Taehyung wraps his leg around you like a comfort pillow.

"Taehyung what would I do without you?" You smile into his T-shirt.

"Lost." Taehyung chuckles.

"You're right, I would be lost if I didn't have you." You smile softly, looking up at him.

"Are you sleepy?" Taehyung smiles mischievously at you.

"No." You raise your eyebrow.

"I have a bottle of wine in the fridge that is just waiting to be tasted....." He smiles.

"Well.... it'd be rude not to. The last one to the fridge is a rotten egg!" You jump off the bed, flinging the duvet over his head.

"Nooooo!" He childishly screams, projecting his body forward as his hand grabs your ankle blindly.

"I hate it when somebody grabs my feet! Get off!" You shriek cackling loudly.

"Never! I'm not being the rotten egg! Which means it's gonna be you!" He laughs dragging you back to the bed as he attempts to make a b-line for the bedroom door.

"Not on my watch you little shit!" You grab his ankle and hold on to dear life.

And instead of fighting for his foot back, he drags you across the carpet, giggling like a little boy.

"I'm getting carpet burn you dick!!" You shout, still not backing down and letting go of him.

"Fine." He comes to a halt and stops dragging you across the floor. Bending down with a evil smile he grabs your waist and slings you over his shoulder like a rag doll.

"I guess we'll be rotten eggs together" You cackle as your vision is filled with his phat ass.

"Taehyung, has anybody ever told you that you have a plump butt? Because damn boy your packin." You chuckle as you continuously smack it.

"Hey don't touch the goods!" He slaps your butt back.

"Hey!!" You shriek, slapping his butt back.

Suddenly an ass slapping competition is commencing, sending you to both laugh in hysterics.

You haven't had this much fun in years, it's refreshing to be able to have fun and be carefree. It's always easy to be in his company, it's never awkward, it's like you two have known each other since your childhood. He's an old soul like you, and people like Taehyung are hard to find, like the finest gold dust in all the universe.

"Stop slapping me and give me some damn wine, ya girl is thirsty as heck." You laugh, wiggling to be on flat ground again.

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