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You pinch your forearm with your finger nails, seeing if you're dead or it was just a very vivid dream.

"Ouch! Okay I'm alive." You wince, rubbing your hand over the red mark.

"I'm so confused." You furrow your eyebrows, dragging yourself out of bed.

As you walk to your bathroom to splash some cold water on your face to try and wake yourself up. You notice the wet foot marks that lead into your room, to your bed, then to the Vincent Van Gogh starry night tapestry and back out the door again.

But they are definitely not your foot prints, they are much longer and wider than your small and dainty feet.

"Huh?" You scratch the back of your neck, trying to work out what went on last night.

"Did someone come in here while I was asleep?" You widen your eyes as you take a closer look at the foot prints. Even going as far as putting your own foot next to the wet prints.

"Definitely not mine...?" You furrow your eyebrows, tilting your head confusedly.

With no answer or explanation, you stand back up. Looking around your bedroom in confusion you notice a red letter sitting on your bedside table, addressed to you in black cursive writing.

That's never been there before, you would've noticed it. Curiosity gets the better of you, and decide to hurriedly open it, hoping that it would give you an answer to your puzzled mind.

As you skim to the bottom of the letter, you realise that it wasn't just a weird fucked up dream.

That you indeed sold your soul to the devil at 3am this morning.

Reality sinks in quickly, but strangely you don't regret it, not even in the slightest. If selling your soul to the devil is going to somehow magically fix your problems, you'd happily do it again.

The letter follows:

Dear y/n

Here is the list of rules you must follow in order to keep your deal with me and your demon. Your demons name is Kim Taehyung, he is 26 years old. Taehyung is strictly your demon and your demon only. Meaning of course he can only grant your wishes and nobody else's. To summon him, you will have to draw blood, that being a cut from your finger or a cut on your body. You must say his name 3 times and he will shortly appear after following these steps correctly. He can also appear if you are in danger, or a situation where he thinks you need him the most. He can do this because you both are bonded and he can feel your emotions.

- in order to grant you a wish, you must grant him a wish back.
- for each wish you make, a rose will be given. You have until that rose dies to complete Taehyungs wish.
- if failed to complete his wish, the contract will be immediately terminated. And you will be forced to join the underworld for eternity.
- A wish can never be taken back. So wish thoughtfully and thoroughly.
- You cannot bring someone back from the dead
- You cannot make a wish to bring death upon somebody.

Enjoy your time and stay wicked.

Satan, the handsome devil.

As you stand there after reading the letter....You don't know whether to be mortified or humoured. Suddenly a laugh escapes your throat, your blaming it on shock. You also can't help but laugh at the way he signed the letter, he sure does love himself. But you give him credit, being billions of years old, he still is pretty handsome considering his age.

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