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Taehyungs been here for a little while, you both are currently snuggled up on the sofa under a fluffy throw while the heating is on fall blast.

"So you're telling me...you've never had a birthday cake?" You stare at him dumbfoundedly.

How. The. Fuck. Has. He. Never. Had. A. Birthday. Cake. Before?!

What the hell is Satan up to down there?!

"No, I don't even really know what one is." Taehyung shakes his head, completely oblivious.

"Damn... okay well, it's pretty simple, it's just a cake with candles on. If you don't have a cake on your birthday, you should call child-line because that's abuse. Let me ask you something... Do you know when your birthday is?" You sit up from your slouched position, grabbing your phone, this boy needs a birthday cake asap.

"It sounds strange, why do you need a cake to celebrate your birthday? My birthday? It's the 31st of December." Taehyung chuckles softly, humoured by your sudden outburst of emotions.

"Your birthday is in 2 weeks time?!....You should have told me sooner! Right, that's it! I'll throw you a birthday party! Will you be free to make it?" You hurriedly write down his birthday before you smile excitedly at him. You've never thrown a birthday party before but there's a first time for everything.

"You'll throw me a party? Of course I'll make it, I don't do anything for my birthday, its just a normal day." Taehyung smiles taken aback that you would go to all that trouble to throw him a party.

As you sit back and just appreciate his gorgeous smile, you realise how lucky you have been. You've always had a birthday cake, even if you did buy it yourself and sit alone and eat it, Taehyung didnt even have a cake, or have any cards to open on his birthday. It must have been lonely for him, all this time and he's never had anyone to celebrate his birthday with. It made you feel quite emotional.

But now that you know when his birthday is, you'll do everything in your power to make this upcoming birthday memorable and worth while for him.

"What's your favourite colour? Favourite flavour of cake? Wait here let me get my note book so i can write all this down!" You yeet yourself off the sofa as you run to grab your fresh new notebook and pen.

"I like the colour green.... emerald green just like your eyes, they're pretty." Taehyung nods happily.

"O-oh, thank you." You blush for the billionth time this evening. Considering he hasn't been to earth many times, he sure does know how to make a mortal blush.

"As for cake..... I'm not really sure, I like strawberries if that's any help?" Taehyung scratches his head.

Of course he doesn't know what cake he likes, he's never had one you bloody idiot!!

"Strawberries, got it. And lastly..... is there anything I can get you for a present? Is there something that you've been wanting or would like to have?" You tap your chin with the pen.

"Another present? I can't have another gift if you haven't made another wish." Taehyung shakes his head sternly.

"Nonsense. It's your birthday. On everyone's birthday you have to have a gift otherwise it won't be as special." You frown, he has to have a present!

"Really? I'm allowed a gift without granting you any wishes? This is getting stranger yet fascinating as the night goes on, I've never heard such a thing." Taehyung chuckles in disarray.

"Yes of course you can! It doesn't even have to be on your birthday, you can have a gift whenever you want. I know you are supposed to be my demon and the soul reason you are here is to grant me wishes.... but I promise from this point on, I'm going to give you presents and birthday cake whenever you want it." You smile sadly, holding up your pinkie.

"Really? Are you sure?" Taehyung furrows his eyebrows.

"Of course. So Taehyung, what would you like as gift?" You smile warmly.

He ponders for a moment, thinking hard to himself whilst his arms cross over his body.

"..... I want a hug." He smiles.

"Y-you want a hug?" You have to swallow hard as tears start to form in your eyes. That is the most heart warming response you've ever heard.

He isn't even asking for a lot, just a simple hug is all he's wanting.

"Did i say something wrong? Why are you crying y/n?" Taehyung leans forward, his hand cupping your cheeks.

"Your breaking my heart." You sob stupidly.

"I'm breaking your heart?" He pouts sadly.

"You deserve the world, you know that right? Taehyung, whenever you want a hug or a cuddle or any sort of comfort, I'm always here. You can come in the middle of the night, during the day, when I'm at work, when I'm out, if you need a hug, i will always give one." You stand up and hold out your arms widely.

"Thank you y/n." He stands up, instantly jumping into your warm embrace.

"I will give you a hug whenever i see you, all the hello's and goodbye's, i promise." You sob into his shoulder.

" You sob into his shoulder

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You're glad you met him. Because now you can change the loneliness he's been feeling all his life. He's never had anyone there for him, nobody to praise him when he did a good job, nobody to give him a hug when he needed one the most, nor anyone to celebrate his achievements and birthdays with. Because this soul standing in front of you is the purest soul you've ever came across in your life.

"Y/n?" Taehyung whispers.

"Yes?" You whisper back.

"Thank you." Taehyung holds you tighter.

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