28- The end

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"Y/n you're going to want to see this." Jin rushes to the living room and switches on the tv.

"Breaking news: a bomb has been set off in a apartment block in the city of Bristol late this evening. It is not known yet why this has happened or whether there is further threat to the protection of civilians but the area has been closed off and people have been evacuated from the area. 2 people have died, that being Min Yoongi a 28 year old, and Jeon Jungkook a 23 year old who were both sharing an apartment together."

The camera shakes as if the control room is having a break down and a paper is shoved in the news presenters hands.

"We have just had some more information come through this second. A second bomb has exploded, killing a further 9 men. It is suspected as a purpose attack. A anonymous person has been in contact, assuring that no further bombs will be set off and that the people of Bristol are now safe. They have said that these bombs have been set off because these people have posed a tremendous threat to civilians lives and are extremely dangerous people, the threat has now been cleared and that they are sorry to cause such distress amongst the community. That's all we have for the moment, thank you for listening."

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