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'Y/n where have you gone? There's a for sale sign outside your apartment?'

You've sat and re read that message over and over again.

What do you say?

That you've finally realised their friendly behaviour was just a hoax all along?

That they're not your friends like you first thought, that their plan all along was to get close to you to eventually kill you?

You lock your phone and chuck it on your bed deciding to leave it and deal with it another time.

You've unpacked all your suitcases and freshened up ready for dinner. But you feel nervous, I mean what if Taehyung got these people wrong all along? What if they're part of Yoongis and Jungkooks gang but in disguise?

"Don't think like that y/n. They're good people." You mutter to yourself as you shake your head.

You let people in too quickly. And that's where you always go wrong, because in the end, you always get hurt.

Standing up you walk down the 2 flights of stairs, if you don't do it, you never will.

"Y/n you finally came down, was unpacking okay?" Jimin smiles softly before taking a sip of his beer.

"Yeah it was okay, sorry I took so long. I got a little spaced out." You sigh, rubbing the back of your neck.

"You okay? Is there anything that I can do to help?" Namjoon puts down his beer and furrows his eyebrows concernedly.

"No it's okay, I just keep getting texts from Yoongi and Jungkook asking where I've gone. I don't know what to say back to them, so I've just ignored it." You frown.

"We'll deal with them, try not to worry. You're safe here, I promise they won't lay a finger on you. We umm actually got you a new phone..... considering what they do for a living, we thought It'd be best. You never know if they've hacked into your phone and put a tracker on you, it wouldn't surprise me. You don't have to take it, we got it for you in case you would like to." Jin smiles softly as he side hugs you.

"You did? You didn't have to go to all that trouble! But you're right, I think it would be for the best if I just got rid of the phone I have in case they've done anything to it. Thank you guys, I'll transfer you the money for the expenses." You start to well up.

You feel stupid for crying. Especially in front of people who you've only just met, but i guess you have a habit of doing that. Who knew your life would come to this? On the run from a gang who have you on their kill list. Having to leave everything you've worked for behind, living completely off grid whilst being terrified for your life.

"Awh don't cry y/n! I promise everything is going to be okay, we're here to protect you. Come here." Hoseok opens his arms and engulfs you into his tight embrace.

"I feel so stupid, I'm so sorry." You sob into his shoulder uncontrollably. All the emotions you've had to keep concealed, finally erupt.

"I hate seeing people cry." Namjoon whispers as he starts to well up too.

Everyone rushes around you, wrapping their arms around you in comfort as a group hug starts to form.

"Is there anything that we can do? I know right now you're probably scared and overwhelmed having to pack up and leave everything behind in a blink of an eye. If you think of anything, then tell us okay? We'll do everything we can." Jimin soothingly rubs the small of your back.

"You guys have gone above and beyond for me already, I couldn't ask for anything more from you. I appreciate you all so much." You blubber, wiping the tears with the back of your hand.

With the tears finally coming to a stop, and food ordered, you all take a seat around the dining room table and begin to eat.

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