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"Satan, I want to sell my soul to you. I can't live like this anymore, I want to be happy. And if selling my soul is the cost, I'll do it." You slice your finger, drawing the pentagon on your mirror as your tear stained face reflects back at you.


The rain outside pelts off your window and a loud crack of thunder fills the dark room. A gush of hot air creeps from under your bedroom door, slowly filling the room with thick white smoke.

Shit, you really did contact him.

"Take my hand sweet heart." The mirror ripples like water. Suddenly multiple shadows run across your bedroom walls as a welcoming hand extends itself from within your mirror.

"Will it hurt?" You hesitate, staring at his hand with prickling fear.

"No darlin...... it will painless, I promise." The low voice pauses, before the shadows erupt into hysterics.

The shadows stop moving as they form a circle around you, joining their slender hands together. White glowing eyes pierce through your soul as the hand latches onto yours, dragging you forcefully through the mirror.

 White glowing eyes pierce through your soul as the hand latches onto yours, dragging you forcefully through the mirror

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"So you want to sell your soul to me? I'll gladly accept, but what is it that you want?" The tall man with long raven wings that drag on the ground behind him, glances over his shoulder at you.

You both seem to be walking, but you don't know where, the surroundings are so unfamiliar but you don't feel scared, it's oddly comfortable.

Why does meeting the devil not frighten you?

"I want to be happy. I prayed to god on so many occasions, but I never got my wishes granted. All i ever wanted was to stop feeling like I wasn't good enough, i wanted the pain to stop." Your throat starts to croak as tears form in your tired eyes.

All you wanted was to stop feeling to much. Because all you ever felt, was like you were drowning in the deafening silence of the world. You were suffering alone in a world where you didn't feel like you existed.

"Of course he wouldn't grant them, he's a useless piece of shit my dear. You see, god is a spoilt and selfish little boy, he causes destruction and war and he loves to see people suffer. If he really is as great as people say he is, why would he let so many innocent people die in the war? Why does he let racism and discrimination happen every day? If he was so almighty why didn't he save them? He doesn't care. But I do my dear, that's why I answered you straight away." He smiles crookedly.

"If I sell my soul to you, could you give me the happiness I've always wanted?" You look up at him, as the crimson eyes shine back at you.

"Of course my dear, I never break my promises." He expresses tenderness.

"What's the condition? There's always a condition that comes from anything good." You mutter sadly.

"It's simple, you follow the rules, you get your wishes granted. You break the rules, your wishes will be denied and you will be bound to hell for the rest of eternity. I take promises seriously. If I promise something I will keep it, if you break your promise, you will be indebt." He gestures sternly.

"I never break my promises, so you won't have to worry about them being not fulfilled. What are the rules?" You nervously swallow.

"You will be assigned a demon tailored to your wants and needs. The rules are different for each demon, but typically it's something like; they could want a sacrifice for each wish they grant or they might want something in return for granting you a wish that you make. If they scratch your back, you have to scratch theirs back. A rose will be given to you each time you make a wish, you have until that rose dies to fulfil their wish back. You fail to provide their wish, consequences will be taken in action." He stops walking. Clicking his fingers, a piece of paper magically appearing in his hand.

"That seems reasonable." You nod your head, surprised at how simple it seems.

"Do you accept?" He holds the pen in your direction, a curious eyebrow raised.

".... yes." You smile softly.

You take the pen and sign the paper hurriedly. Once you hand the pen back, the piece of paper catches on fire as a wide eerily smile spreads across his face.

"You've just sold your soul to the devil my dear, welcome to the underworld." He leans forward and places a kiss to your cheek.

Before you can process what has just happened, suddenly you're deep under water. Your lungs slowly bursting from the pressure as panic washes over your body. You try and swim to get a breath of oxygen, but your at the bottom of the ocean, there's no way you could make it to the open surface in time.

You let out scream of fear, the bubbles of air rising past your face as you try and get off the ocean floor. But your feet seem to be stuck in the sand covered mud like gloop.

The more you struggle, the quicker you're drowning. Everything became so dark, numb and cold, you couldn't think of anything as your mind becomes flooded with fear. The only sound you could hear was your slow heart beat in your ears, deeply thumping and weakening as the seconds pass.

A warm hand suddenly embraces yours. You turn your head as you squeeze the unfamiliar hand for help.

"It's okay, I'm here to save you y/n

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"It's okay, I'm here to save you y/n." He whispers.

A man with raven black hair and honey skin, holds onto your hand warmly.

You're confused, how is he breathing and talking? How is he not drowning like you are? What's going on? Who is he?

You furrow your eyebrows confusedly as your chest begins to ache terribly. Your heart rate barely even there, as your vision begins to blur.

"Just close your eyes, everything is going to be okay." He appears in front of you, placing his warm hand in the middle of your chest. A cold sensation starts to fill your body, as blood starts to seep into the water surrounding you both.

"I'm scared." You try and talk to him, but more water fills your lungs in the process.

"You don't need to be scared, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to protect you." He gently smiles as he places a soft kiss to your lips.

You look into his glowing red eyes as your heart finally stops, your vision completely turning black as your body goes limp.

Dying is.... slightly traumatic.

A jolt of power suddenly electrifies through your body as you wake up in panic, your sweaty body sticking to your bed sheets as you sit up.

You finally take a deep breath as you look around your surroundings. You're back in your bedroom, the rain has stopped and the sun has risen. The birds chirp quietly outside your window and the daze that you were stuck in washes over you.

"What the fuck just happened?" You shakily run your fingers through your hair, trying to get to terms with what you just went through.

Was it just a dream?

Who was that guy in the water?

Why did he say he was there to protect you?

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