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"Those were your foot prints?"



Taehyung grew fonder of you by the minute, the more he talked to you, the better connection grew stronger. You have so many things in common, he found it oddly fascinating that someone else could be into the same things as he was.

The underworld was a strange place filled with various different characters, its hard to find people to trust, let alone finding people who are into the same sort of things he was interested in. Its a lonely place to be. I mean don't get him wrong, there's positive things about the underworld, but generally its a confusing and lonely place.


"I better get going soon, but before I go, do you want to make a wish?" Taehyung raises his eyebrow.

"I do, but I'm not sure how to word it exactly. Can I ask something before I do?" You pout slightly at his soon to be departure.

"Of course." He nods crossing his arms.

"How many wishes do I have?" You tilt your head curiously.

"You have as many wishes as you want, they are endless. I'm here to fulfil your wishes until you die, then my job is over." Taehyung nods, smiling at your curiosity.

"Oh really? I thought I'd only get a limited amount of wishes. I would have made a wish sooner if I had known." You chuckle.

"Then would you like to make a wish now?" He chuckles whole heartedly.

"Yes." You nod as you gulp nervously.

"Wish away." Taehyung gestures his hand, a soft smile at his lips.

Almost like magic, a beautiful red rose gets placed in your hand as you look at Taehyung hesitantly. His red orbs slowly start to glow brightly, making them even more endearing.

Thinking about your wish carefully, you close your eyes briefly as you take a deep breath.

"I wish for the people at work to do their own running around and do their own job, so I can get on with mine peacefully." You look apprehensively up at Taehyung.

"I will grant you your wish. My wish in return is to have a notebook, any kind is fine with me. The rose will die in 4 days, if you fail to grant me my wish, your wish will be taken back and the contract will be terminated." Taehyung nods wisely.

"Just like that?? Its that simple? Thank you Taehyung, I will make sure your wish is fulfilled too." You smile happily, the feeling of relief is instant.

His wish is so humble.

"Thank you y/n. I have to get back now. If you need me, you know how to summon me. Until we meet again." Taehyung smiles before he bids goodnight, walking out of your apartment door.

As the door closes, his wish repeats in your head.

"Wait doesn't he want a pen with that?" You say to yourself, quickly running to the door to follow him.

"Taehyung wait!" You shout, swinging open the door. But he's gone.

Reaching over your blankets, you grab a hold of your phone, smacking the 'stop' button repeatedly until the morning silence returns.

"*Grumbles* Another day, another nightmare

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"*Grumbles* Another day, another nightmare." You yawn stretching your stiff body, feeling extremely tired from the only few hours of sleep.

~45 minutes later~

Taking out your badge, you scan the revolving duel stand. With a loud beep and a green light you swiftly take the elevator to the the 7th floor to where your department is.

"You can do this." You whisper to yourself as you exit the elevator while getting ready to go into the busy design department.

Inhaling a deep breath, you open the glass door, it's busy like it always is, people rushing across the department and bumping into each other. You take a look over to your desk, surprisingly there's no stacks of papers and documents piled up waiting for you to complete. Just a booklet and a note.

"Good morning y/n." Your desk neighbour Jaehyun smiles warmly as he walks towards you.

"...G-good morning?" You nod confusedly.

Jaehyun never says good morning, even yet has hardly ever acknowledged your existence until he demands his morning coffee from you just like the other staff.

"I've got to pick up some deliveries, so I'll see you later y/n, have a good day." He bows before leaving through the door you've just came from.

"That's strange.... Did the wish come true? It came true that quickly?." You take a seat at your desk, running a hand through your hair. You were thinking the wish would take affect within 2-3 business days... You know like how the mail works.

You were still sceptical, I mean anyone would be, Satan or Taehyung could've just taken your soul and left without there side of the deal. But the more you sit there... the air seems to have changed, it feels oddly unfamiliar.

Right now you would be running back down the stairs, rushing to get coffees, picking up materials, picking up the finalised copies of the magazines and delivering them to god knows where. You wouldn't be sat at your desk without anyone bothering you, like how you currently are.

The tensed muscles in your shoulders slowly relax and you take a moment to breathe deeply. This feeling of calm is strange, but warmly welcomed.

"I need to get the notebook!" You say to yourself, making a memo in your mobile phone to have a look at the book store on your lunch break.

"I love them smell of bookstores." You whisper to yourself as a small smile makes it's way on your face. The smell of ink and paper is just unbeatable.

"Good afternoon, can I help you with anything?" One of the workers smile warmly, pushing his round glasses up his nose bridge.

"Actually yes, I was looking for notebooks and pens, do you know where they are?" You give him a friendly smile back.

I mean of course he knows where they are ..... He works here y/n, you dumbass.

"In the back corner, right over there." He points you in the direction.

"Thank you." You smile as you make your way over.

I wonder what kind of notebook he'd like? A big or small one? Ones with lots of pages? What type of cover would he like?

You think to yourself as you stand in front of the display, trying to come up with a answer as your eyes rake the stand with intensity.

"Oh my god." Your eyes stop scanning the display as your mouth hangs open.

"It's perfect." You whisper, out stretching your hand to grab the notebook.

A leather styled notebook hides amongst the colour filled ones. But there's something so distinctive about it.

The beautiful fake leather notebook has the starry night painting on the cover. Talk about fate! He'd absolutely love it, you hope anyway.

Smiling widely, you can't help but grab yourself one too, I mean how can you not? It's absolutely beautiful and it would go well with your little Van Gogh collection.

Next are the pens, he of course needs a pen to write in the notebook.

A fountain pen? A regular pen? A colourful one? A simple pen? A pen with a plastic animal on it?

Ugh there's too many to choose from, they are all cute.

Umming and ahhing to yourself, you finally land your hand on a pen that is absolutely adorable. A black regular pen, with a brown cartoon bear sitting at the end of it, it's hecking cute. And of course you had to get yourself one too.... it wouldn't be fair otherwise.

Happy with your items you proceed to pay and you walk out the store feeling incredibly proud.

"I can't wait to show him." You peak inside the bag with a wide smile.

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